Error upon install v0.8.0

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Error upon install v0.8.0

Postby Dyaxler » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:32 am

Code: Select all
SQL query error

Query: INSERT INTO `uniadmin_settings` (`set_name`, `set_value`, `enabled`, `section`, `form_type`) VALUES ('LANGUAGE', 'English', '0', 'settings', 'select{English^English|Deutsch^Deutsch|French^French|Nederlands^Nederlands|Russian^Russian|Svenska^Svenska'), ('PRIMARYURL', '', '0', 'settings', 'text{250|50'), ('PROGRAMMODE', 'Basic', '0', 'settings', 'select{Basic^Basic|Advanced^Advanced'), ('AUTODETECTWOW', '1', '0', 'settings', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('OPENGL', '0', '0', 'settings', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('WINDOWMODE', '0', '0', 'settings', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('UPLOADSCREENSHOTS','1','0', 'settings', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('UPLOADSVS','1','0', 'settings', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('UUUPDATERCHECK', '1', '0', 'updater', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('SYNCHROURL', '', '0', 'updater', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDONAUTOUPDATE', '1', '0', 'updater', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('ALLOWADDONDEL', '1', '0', 'updater', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('UUSETTINGSUPDATER', '1', '0', 'updater', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('AUTOSYNCIN','0','0', 'updater', 'text{250|50'), ('UPDATESURL', '', '0', 'updater', 'text{250|50'), ('AUTOUPLOADONFILECHANGES', '1', '0', 'options', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('ALWAYSONTOP', '1', '0', 'options', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('SYSTRAY', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{yes^1|no^0'), ('ADDVAR1CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDVARNAME1', 'username', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVARVAL1', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVAR2CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDVARNAME2', 'password', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVARVAL2', '', '0', 'options', 'password{250|50'), ('ADDVAR3CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDVARNAME3', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVARVAL3', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVAR4CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDVARNAME4', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDVARVAL4', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDURL1CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDURL1', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDURL2CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDURL2', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDURL3CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDURL3', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('ADDURL4CH', '0', '0', 'options', 'radio{on^1|off^0'), ('ADDURL4', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('HOMEURL', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('FORUMURL', '', '0', 'options', 'text{250|50'), ('USERAGENT','UniUploader 2.0 (UU 2.6.8 BETA 3
Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''UniUploader 2.0 (UU 2.6.8 BETA 3' at line 1
Code: 1064

Dump after clicking proceed.

I decided to delete my uniadmin folder and database to start fresh with all the new features. I've been upgrading uniadmin for over a year now and I sometimes like to start fresh. I've done exactly what I've always done unless I'm forgetting something obvious to me. :P

One of the things I did notice is that it partially creates the database tables but it must fail before creating the config.php file. There is a blank one up on my webserver with the correct permissions set but obviously it doesn't get that far in the install process.

Dyaxler Apprentice Apprentice
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Error upon install v0.8.0

Postby zanix » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:58 am

v0.8.0 is from the SVN only and is not supported
I know there are errors in the UA SVN trunk so I wouldn't use it

Try v0.7.9
Last edited by zanix on Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error upon install v0.8.0

Postby Dyaxler » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:14 am

zanix wrote:v0.8.0 is from the SVN only and is not supported
I know there are errors in the UA SVN trunk so I wouldn't use it

Try v0.7.9

Roger that... Lemme know when it's "testable" and I'll give it a whirl.

Dyaxler Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 48
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