Just wondering if this works with GEM and if not can anyone point me to a wowroster addon that does?
Moderator: Ulminia
hades200082 wrote:Just wondering if this works with GEM and if not can anyone point me to a wowroster addon that does?
Movix wrote:hi,
GEM3 is prepared with a separated module to be able to synchronise with a website;
This module also allows subscription on the website and importe them into the game addon.
you can find more information on that on the official GEM forums
The GEM team is actually looking for someone motivated to develop the web part
Ulminia wrote:if they have designed the script i can modify it to work with Group calender witch i will be renamed and updated and called Roster Calendar because it will work with both and soon i hope the ingame calender at some point too
Thorstone wrote:The old one is not working.
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