Does this work with GEM?

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Does this work with GEM?

Postby hades200082 » Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:54 am

Just wondering if this works with GEM and if not can anyone point me to a wowroster addon that does?

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Re: Does this work with GEM?

Postby Calystos » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:19 am

hades200082 wrote:Just wondering if this works with GEM and if not can anyone point me to a wowroster addon that does?


Far as I know it won't, since GEM2/GEM3 are totally different addons to GC.

I do know theres a GEM2 wowroster addon though, but nothing yet for GEM3 that I know of. If I had more time I'd look into updating the GEM2 one to work for GEM3 instead but atm I've got little to no time to spare, lol.
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Movix » Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:34 pm


GEM3 is prepared with a separated module to be able to synchronise with a website;
This module also allows subscription on the website and importe them into the game addon.

you can find more information on that on the official GEM forums

The GEM team is actually looking for someone motivated to develop the web part
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Ulminia » Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:49 pm

if they have designed the script i can modify it to work with Group calender witch i will be renamed and updated and called Roster Calendar because it will work with both and soon i hope the ingame calender at some point too
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Re: Does this work with GEM?

Postby Calystos » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:32 pm

Movix wrote:hi,

GEM3 is prepared with a separated module to be able to synchronise with a website;
This module also allows subscription on the website and importe them into the game addon.

you can find more information on that on the official GEM forums

The GEM team is actually looking for someone motivated to develop the web part

Yeah, I'd heard of it but never looked into it much. But thanks for the headsup. If I ever get time I'll try to look into it for comparison to the existing GEM2 wowroster addon.

Ulminia wrote:if they have designed the script i can modify it to work with Group calender witch i will be renamed and updated and called Roster Calendar because it will work with both and soon i hope the ingame calender at some point too

That sounds like it'd be extremely useful to everyone.

I've not actually looked at the GEM3 code or any http output script for it, so no idea how hard or easy it'll be to do anything with it. Nor even if its similar in style/data to the old GEM2 wowroster addons parser.
Last edited by Calystos on Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Ulminia » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:29 am

if someone wants to email me a gem3 lua file i can see about making my own importer i just need to see the structure and how the arrays are set up
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Movix » Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:34 pm

@Ulminia : i posted a mail to you with a saved variable attached. Note that you can also modify this SV in order to get subscriptions working on the website. the WoW AddOn WebSync will synchronize the data with the IG database.

note that it is not the GEM3_core.lua that you need to import data to the website but the GEM3_WebSync.lua that you only get when the GEM3_Websync WoW Addon is installed
Last edited by Movix on Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Ulminia » Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:46 pm

looked at the websuyn log this si not what is needed for this addon this addon axualy display the current events made in the groupcalendar addon and i think people want me to add GEM to this as well..
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby hades200082 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:00 pm

Really looking forward to this being integrated with WoWRoster in the form of an addon... whether it is this addon or a seperate one makes no odds to me but it will be really useful..

Especially since GEM3 seems to work much more reliably than Group Calendar.. the syncing is much faster and more reliable and it doesn't seem to have as many bugs from my own experience

Here's just a little something extra to add to the potential features list....

Would it be possible to have a URL that I could point UniUploader at and have it automatically download data from the website into the in-game addon's saved variables?

I know UniUploader can do this, what I'm asking is could the addon handle it? this way anyone who signs up on the website would also get their signup shown in-game.

Likewise this could also enable event creation via the website as well.

If this is possible then it would make GEM3 an even more powerful addon than ever, especially for small guilds where there are sync issues due to people not being online etc.
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Ulminia » Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:16 pm

i have looked at making info exportable but it is a hard path to go down i have been getting to know more about it but im not all the way there yet ... as it stands Group Calender( soon to be Roster Calendar) is on stand by till Raid Progression is finished
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby hades200082 » Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:40 pm

Hmm... raid progression will never be finished since Blizz are gonna keep releasing new content.

how about making it capable of handling new raids, etc on the fly.. perhaps having an admin area to assign icons etc.
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby Ulminia » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:15 pm

how bout this you guys make the mods for new raids for RP which is what it is capable of and its allmost done and im working on groupcalener some as well but i still have no way of getting blizz calendar information
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Does this work with GEM?

Postby tuigii » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:38 pm


I somewhat missed this thread.

And now for some publicity :grin:

You're guys are looking for this : Image (click, wait, and see)

As said on - the home of the marvelous WoW addon named GEM3, that makes Blizzard Calendar and all the others just eat dust....

GEM3 is multi channel, is ..., is..... is...... well, better test it yourself.

Movix, who's running around on this forum, is one of the guys who's contributed to this huge project - its stable, useful.

Updating works with UniUpLoader, just add the GEM3_Core.lua file to the SV list.
Or, for the manual minded guys : this is the way to go ! - that makes you wonder why do didn't make use of UniUploader ... What was that reason again ?? You're still sure ?

This addon was a based on the old wowroster addon project with name "EventCalendar", but I threw out any GroupCalendar references years ago.

Of course, many of use are talking about the next step : the thing that will put down a new mile stone : subscribing on line - on your own web site - to new events.
That's what their second project is all about - code name "WebSync".

I'll add hades200082 to the happy-wowroster-user list :thumleft:
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Re: Does this work with GEM?

Postby Thorstone » Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:14 pm

What I don't understand from your post is:

- Is there now a new Event Calender Module that works in roster 2.x and where can i download it ?

The old one is not working.
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Re: Does this work with GEM?

Postby tuigii » Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:33 pm

Well, all is in my post above (links and the lot), but one thing needs to be made clear :
The original wowroster addon/plugin handled Event Calendar and GEM Events).
I still call it by its original name “EventCalenda” but that wrong actually. It just parses GuildEventManager (=GEM3) events.

I never used Event Calendar, and as you can see in the post above, GEM3, GuildEventManager, has a rather active site of its own (see link in my post above), with some very knowledgeable developpers behind it. Look also at their download page at Curse GuildEventManager - (more then 250 downloads just for today).

So, my addon (wowroster plugin) use a data file from GEM3, and exposes the events in the roster, so they can be seen outside IG.
No more work for you, UniUpLoader takes care of it all.

Note that it’s still -work in progress state-.

To answer your question, no, its not an Event Calendar addon, but a GEM3 addon for WoWRoster 2.0.x - you this is what you need, just yell, and I'll post it here for downloading.

The admin interface:

Thorstone wrote:The old one is not working.

Normal - your statement is valid and being prooved ever day :check:
Active WoW addon developpers (the addons for the game) nearly never detail "in public" what and how they store data in their data files (here: \WTF\ACCOUNT\NAME\SavedVariables\xxxxxx.lua - CharacterProfiler.lua is just a famous example).
To make my WoWroster addon work, it needs the GEM3_Core.lua file.
WoW addons are updated every day - and when Blizzard patches, even more often.
Stuff that worked six month ago, are plain dead now if no-one follows it.

The good thing : every single file about WoW addons, WoWRoster and addons for WoWRoster are readable by humans.
Readable means "adaptable" in a short time.
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