Is this add-on still working?

Quest History log AddOn

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Is this add-on still working?

Postby AnthonyB » Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:01 pm

I hadn't uploaded data for a few months but having started a fresh roster and with the WotLK expansion I started uploading again to track quests.

I'm finding on my characters that had previously been working, no new quest data appears to be being uploaded.

On my new Death Knight, even though I have completed quests and 1-2 active, no data is being uploaded and the update log on screen simply says "There was an error in addon Quest History in method update"

Anyone seeing this addon still working?

I'm currently using QuestGuru 0.9.5
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby cwpc » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:20 pm

Im still using this addon - with no errors
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby Nefuh » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:45 am

I add a new version to the download area.

Now the QuestGuru.lua will be full parsed, so the addon is able to display additional information about a quest.

I added a new MouseOver Javascript, because with the roster integrated, i can´t get the tooltips worked in InternetExplorer 6.

I tested it with my Deathknight without any problems and uploaded some data from my mainchar from Northrend without problems.
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:51 am

Thanks guys.

I've grabbed the latest version from the download page (1_9_9_1703) and am using QuestGuru 0.9.5 and am getting data generated in the QuestGuru.lua in the right directory (C:\World of Warcraft\wtf\Account\<AccountName>\Proudmoore\Dramgarg\SavedVariables) but I still get the error when I try and upload of:

Parsing files

Parsed QuestGuru in 0.01 seconds

Processing Files
There was an error in addon Quest History in method update
Addon Messages:

Quest History

I've attached the file in question.
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Last edited by AnthonyB on Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is this add-on still working?

Postby DoubleTap » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:27 am

AnthonyB wrote:"There was an error in addon Quest History in method update"

Anyone seeing this addon still working?

I'm currently using QuestGuru 0.9.5

I am using QG 0.9.6, I installed it for the roster add-on feature, but my upload has the same error listed above.

Now I am very pleased with the in-game working of the add-on, but the roster piece is not working for me.

[Lol, I have been lurking here a year... I finally couldn't find a solution somewhere and had to chime in]
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby Nefuh » Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:54 am

Ok that´s curios.

I´m using QuestGuru 0.9.6 also and i can upload my file to my roster. But when i try to use the file posted from AnthonyB i also get the error.

I will try to fix this.


Ok i think i found the problem...

Wrong file.

Could it be, that you try to upload the QuestGuru.lua from the same directory where you get the CharacterProfiler.lua? (*wowdir*\WTF\Account\*Your Account*\SavedVariables)

Try to upload the QuestGuru.lua that you could find in the following directory:

*wowdir*\WTF\Account\*Your Account*\*Your Realm*\*Your Character*\SavedVariables

This is the correct file.
Last edited by Nefuh on Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:16 pm

Hi Nefuh,

As per my previous post where I confirmed where the file location I'm using is. :)

C:\World of Warcraft\wtf\Account\<AccountName>\Proudmoore\Dramgarg\SavedVariables

I can get the QuestGuru.lua for another of my characters to load OK but the bizarre thing is that is seems to completely ignore any WotLK quests! The data is in the lua (see attached), and when when I import and assign, it only shows pre-WotLK quests and zones - ... ory&a=c:25
QuestGuru.lua for Ransin - no pre-WotLK data :(
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Last edited by AnthonyB on Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby Nefuh » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:24 pm

It ignores no WOTLK Quest, but in the last file you uploaded there seems to be only started quests.

This addon actual only parsed quests that are finished and saved in QuestGuru.lua under QuestGuru_History.

Try to finish some quests in Northrend, and reupload your QuestGuru.lua.


All actual quests are stored in the quest addon, that comes along with roster. Quest History should only store quests, that you have finished.
Last edited by Nefuh on Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is this add-on still working?

Postby AnthonyB » Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:31 pm

Nefuh wrote:It ignores no WOTLK Quest, but in the last file you uploaded there seems to be only started quests.

This addon actual only parsed quests that are finished and saved in QuestGuru.lua under QuestGuru_History.

Try to finish some quests in Northrend, and reupload your QuestGuru.lua.


All actual quests are stored in the quest addon, that comes along with roster. Quest History should only store quests, that you have finished.

I *have* completed many, many quests in WotLK with Ransin (the last lua file I attached). I've literally completed the first 3-4 quest 'arcs' so at least 20 quests, i.e. every quest in Vengeaonce Landing, Camp Winterhoof, Steel Gate, Apothecary Camp.

Ditto the Death Knight (Dramgarg), he's completed at least 10 quests at a guess
Last edited by AnthonyB on Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby Nefuh » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:40 pm

Hello AnthonyB,

in your latest attach lua file, i can´t find any WOTLK Quests under Quest_History (and only this part of the lua file is parsed by my addon)...

The latest quest in this file is "Speak with Captain Kroghan at Garadar in Nagrand." (Questno. 181 - Starts at line 8196 - Ends at line 8230). This quest was finished at 20.05.2008 22:30:07. This is the last entry of the quest_history section in the attach questguru.lua.

All that i can say at this moment is, that from my mainchar all WOTLK quests will be stored. The only difference is that i play on a german realm (EU-Anetheron) and i use QuestGuru 0.9.6 (but i think a previous version, should also work, because there seems no changings to the format of the saved flle).

The addon takes the regions from the file (the regions are not hardcoded), so all new regions and quests should be there if they are in the file.

I believe you, when you say that you have solved at least 20 quests in Northrend, but if the data will not be stored the addon can´t find it.

Can you take a look ingame, if you can view the history of the char and if the quests will be there?

If yes, take a look at the file and search for WOTLK quests.
Maybe there´s a addon problem (new quests will not be stored?).
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Is this add-on still working?

Postby AnthonyB » Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:57 am

Thanks for taking the time to look through it Nefuh. I'll take a close look at the in-game addon side of things and see what I can find.
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