talenticon for armorySync.

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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talenticon for armorySync.

Postby muad_dib37 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:06 pm

Hello all

After have update wowroster to 2.0.1 i will update all of my guilde on roster with armorysync. But when armory will update a deathnight, i Have this error :

Fatal error: _gettalentinfo() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/talenticons_death knight.php' (include_path='/mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/include:.:/usr/php4/lib/php') in /mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 1862

talenticons_death knight.php is missing. If many of you have created this files for you roster, can you share it or send the code in PM ?

Thank you for your help
Bonjour à tous,
Aprés avoir mis à jour wow roster en 2.0.1 j'ai voulu mettre à jour ma guilde avec armorysync.

Lors de la mise à jour d'un chevalier de la mort, j'ai eu l'erreur suivante.
Fatal error: _gettalentinfo() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/talenticons_death knight.php' (include_path='/mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/include:.:/usr/php4/lib/php') in /mnt/116/sdb/8/8/guillaume.laudiere/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 1862

J'en déduis que le fichier talenticons_death knight.php est manquant.
Quelqu'un d'entre vous a-t-il créé se fichier pour pouvoir faire les mises à jour avec armorysync ?
Si oui est il possible de récupérer le fichier ici ou en PM ?

Merci d'avance et merci pour votre aide
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talenticon for armorySync.

Postby Spartans » Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:05 pm

I just made a copy of the warrior file and named it to the file it is looking for the deathknights. This will allow your sync to finish, however it should not be consided a fix as the talents will not be correct. We will need an update to this addon for deathknights.
Last edited by Spartans on Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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talenticon for armorySync.

Postby muad_dib37 » Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:43 pm

ok i will test that.

Many people can create the knight file ?
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby tuigii » Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:54 pm

muad_dib37 wrote:ok i will test that.
Many people can create the knight file ?

Everybody can.

On needs two things : the talent template of the Death Knight (like this : http://www.wow-europe.com/fr/info/basic ... 0000000000), and the images that belong to it.

Now, open a file like talenticons_warrior.php anc copy it to talenticons_deathknight.php
The red part is actually the class name.
Take a line like this :
$talentIcons["deathknight"][p][h][w] = "ImageFileNameWithOutExtension";

p means page numbe, which can be 1, 2 or 3 (for blood, Ice or ...)
h is the column number, which can be 1,2 3 or 4, each page has 4 comuns.
w is the height, number 1 being the top row and 11 is the bottom row.

If all is well, the images can be found in the /roster/img/Interface/Icons directory. If non, highjack them ^^

But, before you start, take a look at all the talentsicon class files, and see for yourself that something is really wrong.
The ArmorySync addon isn't WOLTK compatible. Talents incons have been added (from 9 to 11) for ALL classes and RUSHING the Armory website by automated tools (lik this addons) HAS BEEN BLOCKED by Blizzard.
The ArmorySync is one of the most beautifull addons that ever existed for WowRoster, but rather huge to maintain.
Blizzard somewhat killed it :(
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talenticon for armorySync.

Postby muad_dib37 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:08 am


i'm agree with you it's the most beautiful add on!!!!

Thanks for you help.
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby lunzet » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:13 pm

Just in case someone has already worked on creating that file with alle the correct images. Could you please share?
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby Cigaro » Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:38 pm

Here is the talenticons_deathknight.php, but in my AS it doesn't work :-(
(1.59 KiB) Downloaded 350 times
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby lunzet » Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:39 pm

Tried it also...not working. First you will have to do is to rename the file to "talenticons_death knight.php". But even after rnaming and checking access rights it does not fill the data......grr

Can someone help?
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby ThunderPally » Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:51 am

It seems like its just the DK's that are breaking armory sync. Below is what I have done on my guid site so I cant speak for how well it will work for others.

It seems that the 2 main tables are: roster_members & roster_players.

My Character/guild profiler addon are good at keeping the roster_members tabel current. but I cant get eveyone to use character profiler (when uploading your toon, you keep roster_players current). SO! I wrote this litte sql that cheats for me. It take just enough info out of the members table and puts it into the players table.

Code: Select all
insert into roster_players

      '2.6.0' as CPversion,
      'Exodar' as server,
      'US' as region
      member_id not in (select distinct member_id from roster_players

While i still cant run a guild sync. I can run individual sync's for toons (EXCEPT DK's!!). the shorcut url is below (per toon). just change teh C:26 to your character number. I am now looking to create a php script that will run this for all toons based on a sql statement excluding DK's (until fixed).

http://www.your.guild.site.here/roster/ ... =c:26.html

again, this is me just tinkering with code and it works for my guild. I hope this helps you.
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Re: talenticon for armorySync.

Postby erestor » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:03 am

Tried it also...not working. First you will have to do is to rename the file to "talenticons_death knight.php". But even after rnaming and checking access rights it does not fill the data......grr

Can someone help?

Here's the solution :

in addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php at line 1853 and you have :

$class = strtolower($dl_class);
$locale = $roster->config['locale'];

change it simply to :

$class = strtolower($dl_class);
if ( $class = "death knight" ) {
$class = "deathknight";
$locale = $roster->config['locale'];

It's as simple as that... enjoy ;)
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talenticon for armorySync.

Postby erestor » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:15 am

My bad.. here is the real coding starting line 1850 from the same file :

$armoryTalents = $content->characterInfo->talentTab->talentTree->value;
$talentArray = preg_split('//', $armoryTalents, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$dl_class = $roster->locale->act['class_to_en'][$this->data["Class"]];
$class = strtolower($dl_class);
$locale = $roster->config['locale'];

require_once ($addon['dir'] . 'inc/armorysynctalents.class.php');
$ast = new ArmorySyncTalents();
$ast->debugmessages = &$this->debugmessages;
$ast->errormessages = &$this->errormessages;
$talents = $ast->getTalents( $class );

if ($class="death knight") {
require_once ($addon['dir'] . 'inc/talenticons_deathknight.php');
} else {
require_once ($addon['dir'] . 'inc/talenticons_'. $class. '.php');

$pointsSpent = array();
$dl_talentTree = array();

All we need now is someone that can make sure the talent tree and the jobs works fine because on my DK, I have Warlock class skills in my character infos and my talent tree doesn't work and for jobs, I am Mining + Tailoring on the roster but my real jobs are mining and ingeneering.

I might try and see what's wrong later.
Last edited by erestor on Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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