MadeBy for WOLTK

Guild listing of known recipes

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MadeBy for WOLTK

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:12 pm

Here is my modified version of MAdeBy so that it works with WOLTK.
The problem was that the addon relies on a list of existing recipes and translations. I couldn't get and actualised list of recipes with the new ones.

The old version did not display the unknown recipes. With my modified files, all the recipes that your members upload are displayed. If the recipe is in the known list of the addon, its info wil be used. If not, it falls on the database info (wich is totally fine, except that you don't have the skill level)
The other side of the coin is (I think - I don't use it) missing recipes won't work anymore -> for that I think that Missing recipes is better! And if your members play with different langage, the language fusion won't work with the new recipes since we don't have the conversion table.

To use this version, you just have to upload this file to the addons/madeby/inc directory. Please remember to backup the old file in case things go wrong!!!
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