Glyphs Display

Based on GemDisplay, this will display the glyph your Roster characters can craft.

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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:46 pm

Here is an addon based on GemDisplay, to display the glyphs your guild can craft.
My point was that IG, you can't dissociate minor and major glyphs, so I wanted something clear so that my guildies know what we craft.
It show for the entire guild wich minor and major glyphs are craftable for each class (and no more than that)
You can see it in action here : ... lay&a=c:20
(Not exactly the same as the other posted just before by Nefuh)

You can download it at :
Please do not use any version posted in the forum. The last version can be found in the download section.
You can find the additional german localization here : ... html#36643
Last edited by emilise on Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Glyphs Display

Postby zanix » Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:37 am

Wow, I really like what you have done for the look of Roster

Would you like your own sub-forum as well?
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Re: Glyphs Display

Postby Wyren » Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:02 pm

I did a quick enUS translation, works fine for me: ... play&a=g:1
enUS locale for GlyphsDisplay
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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:54 am

Glad to see you could use it, Wuren!!! But on your link, minor and major glyphs are not distinct. Did you disable it in the code ? If no, there is a bug somewhere because I think that your translation file is good.

Well Zanix, I'm not used to this forum so I don't know if it is really usefull.
I don't know either if the developper of GemDisplay still works on it. Maybe he doesn't, since the official release could not be installed on the last roster, I had to modify the code.
Either way, I think that these addons are so similiar that they could be only one, so I think that the subforum of GemDisplay would be enough for the two addons, if that's good. Anyway, I don't think that my version is mature enough to be considered as an "official" release.
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Glyphs Display

Postby Troublegum » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:10 pm

Excellent addon! But I'm missing something, I can't get it to show up under Guild Information, or in Addon Management. I tried to set
var $icon to an icon I know I have, but that was not enough?
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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:31 pm

Is it installed and enabled in your addon manager ? Even if you don't have the icon, I think you should see a black square in your guild panel...
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Glyphs Display

Postby Troublegum » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:33 pm

No, it doesn't show up there. I can see the files in the roster diag though, so I know it's there. =)
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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:42 pm

Wow that's weird. Are you saying that you uploaded the files but that you can't see the addon along with the others in the addon page ? The page where you can install/ uninstall and enable / disable ?
(Sorry, don't know how this page is called in english)

In this case somenthing went wrong with your installation, you are supposed to see it there and install it before you can use it.
Is there any error message at the top of the addon manager page ?
Last edited by emilise on Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Glyphs Display

Postby Troublegum » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:49 pm

Exactly, it doesn't show up under RosterCP -> Addon Management
There are no error messages.

I double checked that I put your directories under roster/addons/ and also
checked the dir/file permissions, but it all seems OK.

I wonder if I have missed a languagesetting somewhere. I used Wyren's locale.

Wyren, did you change anything else to make it work, or did the new addon just pop up under addon management for you?
Last edited by Troublegum on Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glyphs Display

Postby Calystos » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:59 pm

I don't know if this is to blame or not but I changed it from enus.php to enUS.php (capital US) and it worked for me.

Try out the attached file, its all of the above with some typos fixed and tweaks done by myself. Its what I'm using right now and its working okay.

Hope it helps.
Combination of above addon & enUS.php file along with a few tweaks and typo fixes of my own. Also re-adds Realm option as well as Guild.
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Glyphs Display

Postby Troublegum » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:04 pm

I also changed it to enUS.php but that was not the error.

However, that new installation did the trick! Now it shows up under addon management and installs fine!

Thank you!
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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:08 pm

Thanks Calystos, I edited my first post to put your file so that it is easier to find it :)

edit : Calystos, just wanted to know if, on your roster, you have the minor and major glyphs dissociated as intented, or you have the same as Wyrren ?
Last edited by emilise on Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glyphs Display

Postby Calystos » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:27 pm

Troublegum wrote:I also changed it to enUS.php but that was not the error.

However, that new installation did the trick! Now it shows up under addon management and installs fine!

Thank you!

Glad it worked, and glad to help.

emilise wrote:Thanks Calystos, I edited my first post to put your file so that it is easier to find it :-)

edit : Calystos, just wanted to know if, on your roster, you have the minor and major glyphs dissociated as intented, or you have the same as Wyrren ?

As to my roster, I've simply used your code as-is. I've not changed anything that makes things look different or anything like that.
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Re: Glyphs Display

Postby Wyren » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:37 pm

emilise wrote:Glad to see you could use it, Wuren!!! But on your link, minor and major glyphs are not distinct. Did you disable it in the code ? If no, there is a bug somewhere because I think that your translation file is good.

Well Zanix, I'm not used to this forum so I don't know if it is really usefull.
I don't know either if the developper of GemDisplay still works on it. Maybe he doesn't, since the official release could not be installed on the last roster, I had to modify the code.
Either way, I think that these addons are so similiar that they could be only one, so I think that the subforum of GemDisplay would be enough for the two addons, if that's good. Anyway, I don't think that my version is mature enough to be considered as an "official" release.

No idea why my version doesn't sort Major and Minor glyphs separately, I'll have a look at it when I get back from London.
As for developing this, I guess it's more natural to have it in a addon like MadeBy, if the author wants to expand that?
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Glyphs Display

Postby emilise » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:15 pm

Well I know why it doesn't sort in english, it is a problem in the localization file.
The two lines
$lang['GDmajor']=" major";
$lang['GDminor']=" minor";

should be :

$lang['GDmajor']="Major ";
$lang['GDminor']="Minor ";

These two lines are used to detect if this is a major or minor glyph and the words are not in the same order in French and English.
Last edited by emilise on Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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