Translate problem...

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Translate problem...

Postby Calystos » Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:56 am

Has anyone else ever had this problem where the roster doesn't show up certain words or phrases/etc. EG: The search button isn't appearing and instead its coming up as "<!-- TRANSLATE Search -->", or the 4 main Guild/Realm/etc buttons not listing any text at all?

I'm guessing its cos of the host server, as they seem to have got some stupid php security on or something (I couldn't even upload any data via the uniuploader the other week til I messed about with the .htaccess and disabled some security blocking thingy).

Any ideas anyone? (This is happening on both the very latest SVN roster files and the last build of 2.0 via the downloads page, both totally fresh installations into seperate databases and seperate areas of the site).
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Translate problem...

Postby PleegWat » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:03 am

Haven't had any issues with it myself. This error means your template class isn't working properly. Are you sure you've got everything at the latest version, no merge conflicts or anything?
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Re: Translate problem...

Postby Calystos » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:12 am

Thats the weird thing, I downloaded the version from the downloads page and a fresh version from the svn too. Both totally fresh installs, seperate areas, seperate databases/settings/etc. All clean installs too.

Which is why I can only think of it as being some sorta security or php setting that the host site has enabled, as it works great on my personal server. *shrugs*

EDIT: Here's a list of some items that I've noticed that aren't showing up the text. With text thats not showing up or is showing up as "<!-- TRANSLATE ... -->"
"Last Updated"
"Honor System Stats"
"Guild Information"
"Realm Information"
"Update Profile"
"Upload (in the Update Profile area)"
"Group alts (open)"
"Group alts (closed)"

And as I stated, I've tried it with total fresh installs/setups of both the download page version of roster 2.0 and the latest svn build too. Same results.

So does anyone have a clue as what is causing this strange glitch? I know its something not working right on the host server site but what it is exactly is beyond me. All I can think of is it is their stupid security settings they've got set on php via the apache2 server. And if this is the case then theres usually .htaccess bypass codes. Just need to figure out what the code is to enable the roster to work right again, :-)

(At least, until I've found a better host site to move to, lol - If anyone has any ideas of good host sites let me know please, thanks).
Last edited by Calystos on Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Translate problem...

Postby zanix » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:25 pm

The release copy should not have any TRANSLATE tpl tags
These have only been added recently to the svn

If you have been mucking around with the SVN copy, then make sure your lib/template.php and lib/temnplate_enc.php files are from the SVN and not the 2.0 release
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Translate problem...

Postby PleegWat » Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:41 pm

All of these strings are indeed using the <!-- TRANSLATE --> template syntax in current SVN. This means the template contains this instruction, and the template engine replaces it with the correct translation.
If it does not work, please verify you have the latest version of the template_enc.php file. Also, please do a manual search in that file to make sure TRANSLATE support is in there. The literal word TRANSLATE should appear in two places in the template_enc.php file.
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Re: Translate problem...

Postby Calystos » Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:17 am

Yeah thats what I'd thought, so I went and wiped totally the installations and simply uploaded JUST the svn files (and the image pack of course) and still the same results. And thats a total fresh svn install of the very latest svn files.

This is why the only thing I can think of is the stupid host site I'm using has something wrong with it or has some sorta settings wrong somewhere. Cos everything works great on my own personal test server (a computer I own and use to code things on to test out).

Does anyone know of any php settings or anything I could add to the .htaccess file to maybe turn something off that may be causing this strange glitch?

EDIT: I've contacted the host server support team, so hopefully they'll enable whatever it is thats disabled on my account. (Cos I know for a fact they have other features disabled for some sorta security reasons. As I wasn't even able to upload ANYTHING to the roster site at all for some time due to some php security settings which sucked. Til I found a bypass code for the .htaccess file, hehe).

Anyways, thanks for everything so far guys, :-)

Doesn't really matter if I get it fixed or not as I'm in the process of setting up an account on a much better host server anyways, lol.

EDIT: Don't know what they've done to the server but its magically fixed itself, lol. So whatever they did in the past 12-24 hours has fixed whatever was causing my roster site not to show up right, lol. Go fig.
Last edited by Calystos on Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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