Santonian wrote:Exactly, thats why I don't have the 5.0 branch installed.
From what I know, PHP 5 is better as 4.
4.4 only has security issues being updated (and the last 4.4.9 handled a memory overflow !!) - this wil be the last update.
Really, consider going for 5 real soon now ^^
Santonian wrote:....Windowss 2003 Server.
Ok, forget about local memory stuff, I was trying to filter the issue "I have a zero $ a month super server" thing (with 128 Mb of memory - and everything locked down so useless ^^)
I'll add a new point : in both realmstatus.php and missingrecipes/guild/index.php the function urlgrabber is used.
The difference is : in realmstatus.php it's only called ones, in missingrecipes/guild/index.php it's being called many times rapidly.
Now, I presume that is treating YOUR request as mine, so no problem there.
You could disable in missingrecipes/guild/index.php nearly all urlgrabber() - only keep the first 5 in the 'Alchemy' part - to see if this goes well, and if your problem is urlgrabber related.
If not, next candidate are all these preg_match_all further allong.
But if the trouble is there, then that means that upgrading your PHP to 4.4.9 would do the job for you.
Because for what I said above, in the start of this post.
After all : missingrecipes/guild/index.php works for "us".
And we all use
Leaving as an unkown factor : your server code (php most probably).