Borschti was the only user, who reportet this error so far as i know. So i helped Borschti to correct this error. That other users had the same problem, are new for me.
I don´t really know where the problem is located. On my local testroster all is displayed correct, but now i know that some users have trouble with displaying the german umlauts. So i have added a configuration option to correct this problem. If you set "Decode UTF8" in the addon configuration to true, all the output, should passed through utf8_decode.
Even the problem that not all members who could made something, were displayed should be fixed.
Try the new version, if you want.
You can find it in the database on http://www.wowroster.de or http://dl.wowroster.de/WoWRoster%202.0/Addons/index.php