Error Code when uploading data

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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:40 pm

This is the code error I am getting when I upload character profiler data to the Roster, any ideas how I can fix this ( and please bear in mind that I am not so good with php editing, so in lamens terms if you can please )

Thanks in advance guys.

1292: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'update_time' at row 1

INSERT INTO `roster_guild` SET `guild_name` = 'GuildLess-H', `server` = 'Aszune', `region` = 'EU', `faction` = 'Horde', `factionEn` = 'Horde', `update_time` = '', `guild_info_text` = ''
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234
Last edited by Absiinth on Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby zanix » Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:59 am

Have you done any editing to your Roster?
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:07 am

I edited the lines of code from a previous post which would fix another error code, then this started happening, if it's just a case of overwriting some of the files from the original installation, then that can be done, I just don't know which one to over write, and don't really want to take it all down and start again.....

Sorry if this is'nt much help to you :(
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby zanix » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:21 am

Did you try the talent error fix manually?

Use Rosterdiag via RosterCP to download a fix pack
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:20 am

Hi again, I have done the 2.0.1 update which went fine, but when I come to upload the guild roster with admin login I am getting this again

INSERT INTO `roster_guild` SET `guild_name` = 'GuildLess-H', `server` = 'Aszune', `region` = 'EU', `faction` = 'Horde', `factionEn` = 'Horde', `update_time` = '', `guild_info_text` = ''
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

I am not a tech wiz with PhP so can someone let me know how to fix this without too much tech talk, basically in lamens terms if you don't mind. Thanks for your patience and help with this matter.

PS:- this is after I unistalled roster 2.0 from the previous post I made, so this is badsically a fresh install with the 2.0.1 update applied from Rosterdiag
Last edited by Absiinth on Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby zanix » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:38 am

Can you attach your CP.lua file?
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Re: Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:34 pm


Hope you may be able to shed some light on this error for me, really appreciate your time on this.

Character Profiler Lua file
(1.22 MiB) Downloaded 359 times
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby tuigii » Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:38 pm

Humm. ... st&a=g:142

Inited just fine (for EU-Aszune Guilde Dellerium) but theire are two more Guilds in there.

Could jou tell us more ?
Which Guild ? Which serveur ?

To be sure : : wipe your CP?lua and scan the Guild that "doesn't work".
And only that one.

Why : your CP.lua is quiet big (but normal for these days) - better check if your server accepts these file sizes.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:10 pm

Sure, Dellerium guild should no longer be relevant since the only character that was in there has been moved, I have deleted my Characterprofiler.lua from that account also, installed the new Characterprofiler addon, and done a fresh lua file...I'll see if that fixes it.

But for your purposes

Guild that is acitve:- Legends of the Sindorei
Server:- Aszune

Hope this helps in some way.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:18 pm

Just to update, the deleting of the lua file has not fixed the problem, the message still persists. Any suggestions? :(

1292: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'update_time' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_guild` SET `guild_name` = 'GuildLess-H', `server` = 'Aszune', `region` = 'EU', `faction` = 'Horde', `factionEn` = 'Horde', `update_time` = '', `guild_info_text` = ''
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

Forgot to include the top bar of text, so here is the message again in it's entirety.
Last edited by Absiinth on Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error Code when uploading data

Postby tuigii » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:20 pm

Absiinth wrote:But for your purposes
Guild that is acitve:- Legends of the Sindorei
Server:- Aszune
Hope this helps in some way.

Used thsese settings to roster: and hup : ... st&a=g:143

Never thought I was hosting a H2 Guild :eek:

The up went pefectly well, no problems with your CharacterProfiler.lua and the roster code (mine, that is) is ok.
I'm using an off-the-shelves 2.0.1 setup.

I'll bet you have a server issue - as I said above : make CP smaller - and do a diag on your roster.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:45 pm

Silly question, what do I need to do to CP to make it a smaller size...and yes I can see the guild info perfectly, people who have left the server have gone on your version of this, but not on's only when I upload as an admin to update the roster members that this error occurs, if I just upload as character data it's fine...maybe I should have mentioned that in my original post...

Also worth noting I never had this problem with the 1.x series of Roster, only with the 2.x versions.
Last edited by Absiinth on Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error Code when uploading data

Postby tuigii » Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:49 pm

Absiinth wrote:Silly question, what do I need to do to CP to make it a smaller size...

Well, as a MG, with 9 rerools (bankers - all loaded up to the max = 5 sacs of 22 and 8 bank sac off 22) and the entire Vault (6 page pages of 98 slots) WILL give you a really big CP.lua
And if you try to stash in multiple Guilds, where your are Officier, then, well, a CP.lua of 1.5 Mn is nothing (yours is/was 1.22 already).

Zanix stated ones that these LUA file will explode in memory as 3 a 4 times as big, meaning that this simple file already uses a 6 Mb of server-system memory - of course, WoWRsoter itself uses also, etc etc.

Note : My CP.lua is 1.6 Mb - ONE main - 6 banker rerolls, loaded up as described above + the all the Vault details.

Absiinth wrote:and yes I can see the guild info perfectly, people who have left the server have gone on your version of this, but not on's only when I upload as an admin to update the roster members that this error occurs, if I just upload as character data it's fine...maybe I should have mentioned that in my original post...

I used my admin password to up (= init) - didn't saw any parsing issues.

Could "update" several times, it never tripped on any error (correct, using the same file).

Checked all the "Time" fields in you CP.lua, and they all are set and seem to be correct.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:14 pm

So, what do you suggest? un-install and re-upload roster 2.1? as theres nothing above that suggests what my problem could be :( I thank you for your time on this issue, I think I might just try re-installing from Fresh 2.1 and see what happens.

I'll keep you posted.
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Error Code when uploading data

Postby Absiinth » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:31 am

Well, I have deleted 2.1, cleaned the directory out completley, re-uploaded and installed 2.1 and it seems to have fixed the problem, I will let you guys know if I run into any more problems, but this has fixed it for now. I just want to thank you for your patience and help in this matter.
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