Absiinth wrote:Silly question, what do I need to do to CP to make it a smaller size...
Well, as a MG, with 9 rerools (bankers - all loaded up to the max = 5 sacs of 22 and 8 bank sac off 22) and the entire Vault (6 page pages of 98 slots) WILL give you a really big CP.lua
And if you try to stash in multiple Guilds, where your are Officier, then, well, a CP.lua of 1.5 Mn is nothing (yours is/was 1.22 already).
Zanix stated ones that these LUA file will explode in memory as 3 a 4 times as big, meaning that this simple file already uses a 6 Mb of server-system memory - of course, WoWRsoter itself uses also, etc etc.
Note : My CP.lua is 1.6 Mb - ONE main - 6 banker rerolls, loaded up as described above + the all the Vault details.
Absiinth wrote:and yes I can see the guild info perfectly, people who have left the server have gone on your version of this, but not on mine...it's only when I upload as an admin to update the roster members that this error occurs, if I just upload as character data it's fine...maybe I should have mentioned that in my original post...
I used my admin password to up (= init) - didn't saw any parsing issues.
Could "update" several times, it never tripped on any error (correct, using the same file).
Checked all the "Time" fields in you CP.lua, and they all are set and seem to be correct.