Resetting Roster PVP Data

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Resetting Roster PVP Data

Postby Nelinaa » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:43 am

Is there a way to reset the PVP data in the guild roster? We have some folks who've left the game, but their characters remain guilded because they may come back. Our roster still shows their PVP data from 2 months ago as the top PVPers, probably because not everyone in the guild is updating frequently. I'd like to remove their data specifically, and if that's not possible, how do I wipe all the PVP data?
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Resetting Roster PVP Data

Postby AnthonyB » Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:42 pm

No "easy" way. You'll need to go into Roster, get the member_id of the char/s in question, then use a SQL command to remove all entries from the PvP table relating to the member_id.

I suck at SQL commands off top of my head so I'm not even going to try and offer up something!
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Re: Resetting Roster PVP Data

Postby Nostrademous » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:06 pm

Uhm... '/pl reset' doesn't work?
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Re: Resetting Roster PVP Data

Postby Greenoaf » Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:24 pm

You don't need to "remove" them, you just need to reset their PVP stats, they are in the *table prefix*_players Table

First you need the member_id of the toon you need to reset, browse the *_players table and find their name, then listed in the first column, you will find the member_id

Once you have it, just toss it in:

Code: Select all
UPDATE *prefix*_players SET
sessionHK='0' AND sessionDK='0' AND yesterdayHK='0' AND yesterdayDK='0' AND yesterdayContribution='0' AND lastweekHK='0' AND lastweekDK='0' AND lastweekContribution='0' AND lastweekRank='0' AND lifetimeHK='0' AND lifetimeDK='0' AND lifetimeRankName='0' AND Rankexp='0' AND TWContribution='0' AND TWHK='0' AND lifetimeHighestRank='0' AND RankInfo='0' AND RankName='0' AND RankIcon='0'
WHERE member_id = '*ID number from above*';

DROP * FROM '*prefix*_pvp2' WHERE member_id = '*ID number from above';

The top is ugly, but it will reset the stats without removing the toon from your Roster all together, the second will drop everything on record for that toon in the pvp2 table which is where the stats on the overall page are added from.

Hope this helps out,
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Resetting Roster PVP Data

Postby zanix » Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:31 am

Yeah. What Greenoaf said...
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