skenagle wrote:But the guild bank did not display correctly on the website with the mod running..
before you go look into tbag though, i have not isolated tbag as the culprit!
It is the bag/sac/bank addon(s).
The WoW LUA fonction that instructs the server to send back all object stored in the bank somehow send over "one param more"
* (I'm taking about the WoW Lua function QueryGuildBankTab() - I'm using GP with with debug statement all over the place).
Also, the hooking of this fonction fauls up, so CharacterProfiler (actually : GuildProfiler) isn't able to scan the Vault well enough. Swatter captures the error every time.
What helps : open the vault. open some pages. Walk away, take a drink - farm abit.
Open the vault again (with GuildProfiler in debug mode, the Error doesn't shwo up now = good sign) - open all pages and moeney log.
Now CharacterProfiler does contain an updated set of your Guild Vault.
Proof : Our Guild Vault : ... ault&a=g:1 (6 pages checked - bought last one last Friday !!!! it works !!)
My "bag" addon : Bagnon.
* I think all this has to do with the fact that WoW doesn't talk much about the tab number 4 : the free-text tab.
How is it exported, what format ?
Tab 1 = Objects
Tab 2 = Object log
Tab 3 = common Money tav
Tab 4 = "Free text page" - this one is very very well documented - but I can't find anything - WoWWiki knows that it exists - that's all - no details.
Anyway, nice job to debug WoW addons IG. Takes hours ^^ Need to find a tools for this.