I wrote a simple extension to the Roster Gallery, perhaps you wan't to include it.
It's a rss feed with the newest ten images. (Could be made configurable of curse, but I hadn't time to dig into roster config stuff...) There are two feeds, one with the thumbs (default) and the other with full images:
http://roster.example.com/index.php?p=u ... s&thumbs=0
If you want to try it out, just include the rss.php into addons/RosterGallery/, no modifications are needed. rss.php doesn't modify anything in the db, it only reads. There is one optional modification, that would be nice: To display the feed icon in most browsers, there should be a header linking to the feed. It's one line in addons/RosterGallery/index.php:
- Code: Select all
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . ROSTER_URL . 'index.php?p=util-RosterGallery-rss' . '" title="WoWRoster Gallery RSS feed">
Oh, and another question: What licence should I use to be compatible? I thought of the GPL or some CC...
Hope someone can use that.