Problem with notes update

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Problem with notes update

Postby Apololo » Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:27 pm

Hello, first please excuse me for my english (I'm french :) )

I asked my guildmembers to upload their characterProfiles.lua on the site and I saw that officer's note (which permits to know if the character is an alt or a main) disapper.

I would like to know if it is a bug or a normal behaviour ?

Should I use the public notes ?

In French (if someone can translate if it does not match with the meaning of english version)
J'ai demandé à mes membres de guilde d'uploader leur profile et ensuite certaines notes d'officier (qui me servent à définir si le perso est un main ou un reroll) ont disparues.

Est-ce un fonctionnement standard ou est-ce un bug ?
Devrais-je plutôt utiliser les notes publique ?
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Re: Problem with notes update

Postby Calystos » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:32 am

Apololo wrote:Hello, first please excuse me for my english (I'm french :) )

I asked my guildmembers to upload their characterProfiles.lua on the site and I saw that officer's note (which permits to know if the character is an alt or a main) disapper.

I would like to know if it is a bug or a normal behaviour ?

Should I use the public notes ?

In French (if someone can translate if it does not match with the meaning of english version)
J'ai demandé à mes membres de guilde d'uploader leur profile et ensuite certaines notes d'officier (qui me servent à définir si le perso est un main ou un reroll) ont disparues.

Est-ce un fonctionnement standard ou est-ce un bug ?
Devrais-je plutôt utiliser les notes publique ?

Hi there, and no probs.

If memory serves the officer notes option is disabled/hidden by default in the options of the roster site. You can if you so wish however enable the notes for public viewing. Most guilds want the officers notes remain as hidden since they're for officers eyes only.

Okay, to change the officer notes option go to the roster CP (Control Panel) and under Addon Config->Members List go to Members List, and there you are "Officer Note" is by default set to FORCE HIDDEN. :-)

Note that you can still use officer notes for things such as checking who is an alt and whatnot, thats not a problem. All the option above does is stop anyone from viewing the note info on the roster pages. It doesn't stop the roster itself from using the info, :-)
Last edited by Calystos on Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem with notes update

Postby zanix » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:49 am

Also, anyone that updates the guild member list in Roster needs permissions to view officer notes "in-game"

Remember, regular users only need CharacterProfiler
Those that are in charge of updating the members need CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler and have the officer password
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