I use myself
They guys are present in nearly every country in Europe.
And they just opened also a
www.ovh.it - they ROCK.
Very stable SQL - PHP 4,5 or 6 - Apache 2.2 with about any mod that exists. Curl ok.
A 60GP (look here :
http://www.ovh.it/privato/prodotti/offe ... osting.xml) will do for a domain name, mails (PHP & smtp), ftp, SQL (one data base but that's enough when starting), SSH, Cron and many more will do for about 24 € the first year. 12 € afterwards.
When your Guild explodes (read : every one ups the roster - because that CAN happen
) then you need a 90 PLAN - I switched to that last year.
Many others can be as good, and may be even better - can't tell that - never needed to try another host