PVP Log Updating

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PVP Log Updating

Postby kiwi_pearls » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:56 am

Hi there,

I have a massive problem.

I have a vista machine, but have had the UAC(User Account Control) enabled.

I have found that by having it enabled - all my pvp kills, that I can view in game /pl stats - are not been stored in the pvplog.lua in the saved variables.

It only logs kills (and many deaths) to that log while I open the game in Adminstrator mode. Most times, I am lazy and just double click to open the game - thus it saves to another pvplog.lua

It is like I have two sets of pvplog.lua data - one that is virtually empty and one that is full. And I can only access one of these via C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\accountname\SavedVariables

And see the different sets of data, depending on how I started the game - either as adminstrator or just via double clicking

For the life of me, I can not find this other pvplog.lua file with all my kills (and yes those many many deaths) to update my roster.

I am just wondering if any one else has run into this problem. As I know the data is stored somewhere else I would not be albe to see all the data when I log into the game.

I have tried looking in the C:\Users\Appdata blahdy blah area and can not find anything.

I just kinda feel like all my pvp accomplishments have amounted to nothing and our roster only displays my hubbies kills and I want to see if I did better than him..lol

I hope this all makes sense and someone is able to help me out.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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PVP Log Updating

Postby zanix » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:13 am

This is Vista and WoW's fault

Vista protects the "Program Files" directory and will not allow changes if programs are not ran as Administrator
WoW is also not written to handle this situation, as Vista does this transparently
If you run WoW as Administrator, then the lua save files are read from and saved to c:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<account>\SavedVariables\
If you do not run WoW as Administrator, then the lua save files are read from and saved to c:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<account>\SavedVariables\

You can solve this one of two ways

The best way is to install WoW to another place beside "Program Files"
You can install to a directory named something like c:\Games\World of Warcraft

Or if you don't want to re-install WoW, you can set the WoW shortcut icon to always run as an Administrator
  • Right click on the icon and select "Properties"
    • This can be either the desktop icon or the icon in the start menu
  • Click the "Compatibility" tab
  • Under "Privilege Level" check the box "Run this program as an administrator"
  • Then click ok

This will change the shortcut icon to force WoW to always run as an Administrator
Remember to do this for all your WoW shortcut icons, as this will only affect the icon you changed, not all of them
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Re: PVP Log Updating

Postby kiwi_pearls » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:18 am

OMG your a life saver!!!!!

Thanks for that.

At least I know where the file location is now and have copied it over.

The funny thing is, I have the shortcut set to "Run as Adminstrator" but the data is still not stored to normal dir.

I have even made the destination file run as adminstrator, but I still have to right click it and open as Administrator - which is annoying when you are so used to double clicking things.

But I might get used to the whole right click and open, I have to do this anyways to save the character and guild info.

I might have to have a fiddle around one day.

Thanks once again. Hubby is happy that he is the best killer - and I get the "player who has died the most award" LMAO
Last edited by kiwi_pearls on Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PVP Log Updating

Postby PleegWat » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:14 pm

You can also move the entire wow tree to a different directory - reinstallation is not necessary. Just remember to update the shortcuts as well.
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