Insufficient credentials to access [stuff]

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Insufficient credentials to access [stuff]

Postby vegtard » Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:59 am

Alright. ive finished installing the roster for my guild, uploaded the guild info and my own detailed info. planning on having the rest of my guild update theirs, but before i do that i have a question.

how do i, without being logged in with my admin password, get access to the parts of the roster ive configured so that you need to be a guild member to see? (like the guild bank)

i cant very well hand out my admin pw to the whole guild so that they can all see whats in the guild bank, so im wondering how people get "registered" on the roster. i cant seem to find any register buttons ^^

its probably something ive overlooked, but help would be aprechiated
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Insufficient credentials to access [stuff]

Postby zanix » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:26 am

To access RosterCP, you MUST be logged in as Roster admin, this is by design

You have two options for user authorization: Roster's or the Accounts Addon

For Roster's auth system
Look at RosterCP -> Change Password to set up passwords
There are 3 user groups "Admin" "Officer" "Guild"

For the Accounts Addon auth system, you need to read the documentation for that
As far as I know, the addon is almost finished
Go here to take a look -

Then to set access level for each addon, under RosterCP -> Addon Management, you can set entire modules to a certain access
Some addons may have a more defined access control their their configs, such as character info and guild vault
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