Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby basil » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:10 pm

Hey all, Zanix, before I start let me say, you guys are the best. Been using 1.7.3 for ages. Excellent concept, great design, superlative functionality AND you find time for support..... and all with nary a 'buy it now' button in sight. :cheers:

K, problem;
Upgraded from 1.7.3 to 2.0
recently revamped guild site so decided to do fresh install of roster rather than upgrade.
Installation goes without a hitch, green across the board, no error messages, no DB connection issues. All fine until I reach the point of rosterCP. can define upload rules for my guild and upload guild profile.
However, after upload of profile (sql debug window indicates success and guild info shows) I cant access any of the guild info.
Further, and more troubling, I cant change anything... localisation, defaults, settings.... anything... when I click save settings I get the confirmation 'popup' click continue and then get an error 500 message.

Have been running 1.7 for some time with no probs.
uninstalled and cleared DB
created DB ready for 2.0
Downloaded 2.0 from wowroster downloads
Installed as per installation instructions including CHMODs etc
Web install no hitch. except for problem noted above.
suspected 'dropped packets' so did fresh download and install. Result as above.
Finally downloaded package from alternative mirror, same result.
Now I'm stumped. Nothing has been altered on server, no files have been touched or altered other than I premade a CHMODed conf.php file on second attempt.
Only change was I decided to move from 1.7.3 to 2.0... I dont get it....
BTW did have 1 issue with finalising install, took me 2 days to find appropriate thread :rabbit: Issue I had was with the define 'region' Australia (oceanic server) isnt represented, eventually found thread where Z explained how it is still a 'US' server.
Problem solved, BUT, should be noted that this is a problem all Aussies will encounter.... Well... most anywayz. surprisingly confusing!

Hosted under cPanel, version 11.23.4-stable
Apache version 2.0.63
PHP 5.2.5
My SQL 4.1.22-standard

Hope you can help, also let me know if I've left out anything relevant and, finally, I serached for ages but couldnt find right thread for this, I realise its not, strictly speaking' an installation issue but it seemed closest.
Cheers, hope your all well and best of luck!

(edit) BTW nothing showing up on server error log other than missing 500.shtml which has no bearing on problem
Last edited by basil on Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby zanix » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:48 am

What browser are you using?
There have been reports that Safari does not allow you to save, unless you change a setting in that browser
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby basil » Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:39 am

Hey, thanx for response
Have been using IE7 but tested in Mozilla also, problem persists.
Additionally, I have found that I can make changes to addon configuration and save no probs, just cant configure roster. :(

Quick question.... I only need to make a few minor changes. Time localisation for example...
Can I edit files directly or does it need to be parsed by CP?

Post Script;
Back again, sorry to add like this but just picked up something else.
My guild Horders Inc
My realm Aman'Thul
My server Oceanic/Australia. i.e.(US)

Info is processed by roster ok but I cant access it. It shows the number of members and stuff but if I try to follow a link it gives me the guild not found message.
Somewhere, Somehow / is being inserted around the special character (').
Does the special character need to be enclosed in quotations or something to work? Link follows if you want to have a look at what I mean! (I hope)
Last edited by basil on Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby zanix » Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:18 am

Roster should not be inserting that extra slash

Could I get admin access to your Roster?
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby basil » Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:12 am

Hello again. :grin: thanx for taking the time.
Let me apologise in advance, this will almost certainly turn out to be something silly I've done but cant for the life of me work out. D'OH!
If not, take the apology in lieu of anywhere one was warranted but not forthcoming. lmao

Should be a PM in your inbox zanix with link and admin pass;
Cheers and thanx again.
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby zanix » Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:51 am

Hmmm, anything except the "Configure Main Roster" config works, even each addon config
What is even stranger, is the the addon configs use the EXACT same code as "Configure Main Roster"

What I also do not get, is the slashing on POST data
Roster is supposed to sanitize this, by adding one slash on POST data
It seems your install is adding two slashes

Also, I found that PHP is running in CGI mode

This has been our greatest enemy when developing Roster since it errors for no reason
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby basil » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:40 am

Yeh. Strange hey.
Gonna have a closer look at htaccess files and cgi bin.
I'll post again if/when I find a solution or cause..... Very odd though IMO, especially considering I've been running 1.7.3 for ages with no probs.
Thanx for looking, cheers
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Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby zanix » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:17 am

This one has me stumped, let us know what you find
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Re: Cant save settings. wowroster2.0

Postby seidinove » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:17 pm

zanix wrote:This one has me stumped, let us know what you find

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I was suffering from this problem after upgrading from 1.73.

For me the problem appears to be completely browser-related. Right now, after dropping the old tables and starting from scratch with 2.0.1, my ability to update configurations depends entirely on my selection of browser. I know the following seems really weird, but I have conducted many tests:

IE: Can update all configurations, no problems
Google Chrome: Can update config of wowroster, but not add-on config settings.
Firefox: Can't even get the Utilities sub-menu to appear (yes, I'm logged in as admin).

Don't worry about Firefox, I think there is an issue with my particular installation, as I have had problems with other web sites. But if you're having problems saving configuration changes, try IE (my least favorite browser, but what are you gonna do? :? ).

Edit: and the weirdness with Firefox is confined to my laptop. I can update just fine from Firefox on my desktop, so I apologize for associating this browser with the config update problem. It's just Google Chrome that I have to avoid when updating configuration data.

Hope this helps,

Last edited by seidinove on Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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