Latin American Realms integration

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:46 am

Hello there, I have a guild in a Latin American realm and I don't know how to sync with armory. I tried both with US and EU and no luck (Of course!).

Will there be an integration to Latin American Realms?

Guild Blackhand of Ragnaros.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby PleegWat » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:47 pm

What is the url for the armoury on which your guild does appear? What is your realmstatus url? What is the region you filled in to allow CP uploads?

Latin America may be implemented as a separate region, in that case it will need to be added to our code.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:23 pm

Have no idea as how to reply to that, I'm not into the code thing sorry =s

But yes, as it doesnt work with US or EU region, by discard it must be a new region.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby PleegWat » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:00 pm

From here, it looks like there isn't even a distinction for realms - Just a spanish client. The realmstatus refers to the US realm list.

US armory should work.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:28 am

When, I try to enter the guild Blackhand from realm Ragnaros, trying both in US or EU region it wont work, reporting... "The guild given does not exist in the Armory.". Something is not working, what? I have no idea and that is why I'm asking for help.

The guild does list along as US/Oceanic, but still wont work as US region in armory sync.
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Re: Latin American Realms integration

Postby shaun.voysey » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:27 am

dblackmore wrote:When, I try to enter the guild Blackhand from realm Ragnaros, trying both in US or EU region it wont work, reporting... "The guild given does not exist in the Armory.". Something is not working, what? I have no idea and that is why I'm asking for help.

Have you tried reaching the Guild through your Character?

I am assuming that one of your Characters is in that Guild.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:56 am

Indeed, I cant seem to do it either, sends some problem in the configuration and errors when uploading the lua file.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby zanix » Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:40 am

May be a stupid question but... is your character or guild even on the armory?
I would check if it exists in the armory first before trying armorysync
Last edited by zanix on Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:37 pm

It does, shows both the guild and the characters along the latin american realm Ragnaros in armory.

However, when I try to enter the data in armory sync it says it doesn't exist, I thought at first it would be because of the region, but since it shows along with US and Oceanic, can't seem to know whats really wrong.

Anyone else from Ragnaros having the same problem? (Or someone from the same Realm that hasn't had the problem at all)
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby tuigii » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:11 pm

And what about the fact that Blizzard changed again something concerning the Armory on this very web server?

They only do twice a day - the other part of the day it's just out of business, in maintenance mode, or just plain vanished from the net.

The ArmorySync WoWRoster addon will be considered as 'broke' very soon now ( :( ) - it's already amazing that poetter stayed up with it for more then a year.
About this subject, a big thread already exists.

My opinion is : only take Guild members who are ok with the fact that they loose 30 sec a week, by upping their char by hand (if needed - I never do, I use UniUpLoader).
1) This takes care of any problem,
2) Your Guild could take advantage of value of WoWRoster...
2) This implies that Guild members ought to care about their Guild ( :) )
3) This isn't rocket science, really.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby dblackmore » Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:22 pm

The only reason I tried the roster from here, was to build a nice guildroster of the characters, links to armory, show talents, gear, and nothing more than that.

To make them update their info (Which is not as simple as it seems for people that have not used wowroster before) just for that, seems a little too much effort (It's a pain to make a lot of people do it constantly to keep it updated).

Stil... tried that, made my lua file and when trying to upload, an error comes in "Processing Files
Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Updating Character Data for [Dblackmore@US-Ragnaros]"... and of course, when I try to check the data says "No Guild Data
Could not find guild: 'Blackhand' for server 'Ragnaros'
You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration

Click here for installation instructions" both steps I did already, but again... doesnt show Ragnaros either as US or EU so I again have the same problem, with or without armory sync.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby Saec » Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:43 am

yea same thing here, i actually got 2 things to happen.

first time i updated the info for the guild it found the characters but failed to update antyhing.

second time around, guild donst exist on armory.

edit - now it finds the guild data again but donst update anything just puts the failed icons and moves on :S
Last edited by Saec on Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby zanix » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:44 am

Make sure you have GuildProfiler too, to upload your guild member list to Roster

Also, could you attach your CP.lua file?
We can figure out what region you are in and other data such as the locale code and maybe even start a Latin America localization for Roster
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Latin American Realms integration

Postby Saec » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:58 pm

sorry for the late reply, i upgraded uo 378 it fetches the member list from armory, but when u try to update the character list it updates some but not all, if i try to manualy update that character it says that character doesnt exist in armory.
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