Yes, Cat. guildbank is still an addon for roster
The only reason it comes with roster is because the author of that addon is on the dev team
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `".ROSTER_SPELLTABLE."` WHERE `member_id` = '".$this->data['member_id']."' AND `spell_type` = '".$tree[$t]['name']."' ORDER BY `spell_name`;";
$spell_type=preg_replace('|\'|', '\\\'', $tree[$t]['name']);
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `".ROSTER_SPELLTABLE."` WHERE `member_id` = '".$this->data['member_id']."' AND `spell_type` = '".$spell_type."' ORDER BY `spell_name`;";
Minipain wrote:I removed the bit this refers to,, but now menu is saying about a divide by zero on line 104 in /lib/menu.php
NOT Updating character [Character]
Data is from CharacterProfiler v
The version of CharacterProfiler used to capture data for this character is older than the minimum version allowed for upload.
Please ensure you are running at least v1.0.0 and have logged onto this character and saved data using this version.
zanix wrote:Public Roster cannot handle data from CP 2.0 and WoW 2.0+
Wait for these guys to get it fixed
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