[Roster 2.0] Mailbox displaying only table, not bags format.

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[Roster 2.0] Mailbox displaying only table, not bags format.

Postby longplaypg » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:24 am

I have used the control panel to set my Mailbox to display "both". I can see the table of mail, but no bag display of the mail.

Here is a user with some mail that has multiple attachments:

Mailbox example

I have messed with the configuration and found the following:
RosterCP -> Character Information
Mail display
Table -> shows a table of the mailbox
Bag -> shows nothing in the mailbox
Both -> only shows a table of the mailbox

Has anybody else seen this behavior?

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[Roster 2.0] Mailbox displaying only table, not bags format.

Postby zanix » Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:01 am

Moved to correct location

I might have missed something during the conversion to templates
Now I just need some character data with mail
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Re: [Roster 2.0] Mailbox displaying only table, not bags for

Postby longplaypg » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:43 pm

Ok i have found my post here. Sorry about posting in the wrong spot earlier.

I have attached 2 characterprofile dumps from 2 accounts with mailbox attachments on several toons. This should be way more than needed to help diagnose the issue.

more mailbox entries
(3.36 MiB) Downloaded 424 times
some mailbox entries
(2.59 MiB) Downloaded 430 times
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