The module [osterDF] does not exist

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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:47 am

I know this has been mentioned before, and the only real solution to the problem was to either turn on LEO (which I have no intentions of doing since it always seems to screw up my website's links except WoWRosterDF), or else add &p at the end of the URL. My question is, exactly where do I need to fix this? I'm trying to get out of using WoWRoster in an iFrame and use the DF ported version.
Last edited by Bishop on Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:38 am

While I am working on the update to WoWRosterDF please try to use this cmslink.lib.php

the file will be located
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Re: The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:01 am

Tried to use it, but it doesn't work. Let me post a screenshot of what I get when I visit the link with (and ironically enough, without) the updated file. The second Screenshot is exactly what everyone else has mentioned, including myself, concerning the title of this thread. The first Screenshot, is what happens when I add the &p after it. Sure, I see almost what I am suppose to see, but nothing more then the menu. Everything after that is wrong. I see a poll?
Last edited by Bishop on Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:54 am

Are you on a windows server or linux?
Are you able to use leo linking?
If so, does it fix the issue?

I am using the file I posted in the pastebin with one of my sites which is served by linux. I am able to so far view roster with and with out leolinking turned on.

as seen here ... e=rosterdf
So the code that I had last added should have fixed the problem so if you are sure you used that file I guess I must go back to the drawing board.

The code that was changed is here

#line 85 /lib/cmslink.lib.php
if( $pages == array(substr($module_name,1)) )

hmm now looking at that part again my module is using rosterdf where for some reason I know $pages gets a character removed only 1 though from what I remeber which is why I have the substr() function in place so with that said if it is not cutting off only 1 character but instead always making $pages == 7 characters long max unless told otherwise.... WoWRosterDF turning into osterDF no matter what try something for me.

Find line 85 /lib/cmslink.lib.php
if( $pages == array(substr($module_name,1)) )

and change to
if( $pages == array(substr($module_name,4)) )
Last edited by Anaxent on Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:29 pm

No, I am on a Linux server. Yes, I can use LEO, but it screws up all the rest of the links on my website. I don't know why, but it fixes WoWRoster, and everything else is botched. As a result, I keep it turned off, since I really don't need to have WoWRosterDF that badly to the point where the rest of everything can be screwed up.

I tried your fix on cmslink.lib.php, and that doesn't work either. For whatever reason, while I know there is a problem with this area of the linking and the website, I also know there is a bigger problem as well. This problem lies with Dragonfly seemingly unable to recognize that WoWRosterDF is installed (as per the screenshots that I posted). I am not sure what is the deal with it, but I was hoping that the screenshots would assist. I just note that the [osterDF] only appears if you don't put &p at the end of the link. This is most curious to me.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Anaxent » Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:11 am

well for now to get around that you can build a new menu link to be getlink
WoWRosterdf&p which then anyone trying to click the link will always resolve to the roster with it working plus when you visit it with the &p at the end all the links in roster will work as intended.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:26 pm

I'll do that, but I wonder if you might know why it is that it appears as though it is not installed as a module? To this, I point to the poll that it continuously shows. In essence, whenever I install it, WoWRosterDF claims to be installed. I check the tables on my MySQL DBase, and see that it is, in fact, installed on there. However, when I visit with the &p in order to get the menu, WoWRosterDF acts as though nothing is there, putting a poll where the rest of the module should be. Does anyone else run across this?
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby zanix » Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:31 pm

The Roster module itself is saying that [osterdf] is not a module, not DF itself

This has to do with the way that Roster detects the URL and thinks that you are requesting a Roster addon named 'osterdf'

As for the issue with the poll
I have no clue, it could be that the poll is overriding something in Roster's code
If you disable the poll, I bet the problem goes away
This of course is not a solution, but a workaround
Last edited by zanix on Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:55 am

Indeed, the problem did go away, but in order for it to go away, I had to completely disable the Poll module itself, not just the current poll.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby zanix » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:17 am

Try disabling just the poll block
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:41 am

That seemed to have worked, in addition to clearing up a php error that WoWRosterDF was spitting back to me concerning the survey.php not loading.

Thanks for the help, though I have one more question now, that has nothing really to do with the previous issue(s).

Concerning the MOTD and the Server Status images -- they don't show up on RosterDF. In fact, the MOTD shows the words, but with the background image missing. I did verify that both the MOTD image and the Server Status images were uploaded as well as in their proper place, as it pertained to the Roster installation I previously had (as in, WoWRoster, not WoWRosterDF).
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby zanix » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:44 am

Image mode for these do not work since DF's .htaccess blocks access to php files not in the root DF folder

The URL to access these needs to be changed
For MOTD: addons/memberslist/lib/memberslist.php
For realmstatus: lib/menu.php
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby Bishop » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:54 am

I honestly wondered if it was something as simplistic as that, but I wanted to be sure.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby PleegWat » Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:40 pm

Hm, we could fix that one in roster by putting the MOTD and realmstatus images in the pages folder.
Same would apply to a bargraph, but if we're going to load full environment there I'd alter it to fetch its own data, rather than passing it as url parameters.
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The module [osterDF] does not exist

Postby zanix » Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:14 am

MOTD can take either a guild_id or text for the message
motd.php?motd=Some Text
motd.php clips the text for a max of 145 characters

Realm Status takes "RC-Realm", and this is mainly so you can test other realms or other regions
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