Char.php and counting Stats

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Char.php and counting Stats

Postby Zwarkomul » Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:53 am


i search for it, but found nothing like this, so i post this.
In german roster, there seems to be a bug counting stats in char.php.

For example:
I got 2 items with 5 points mana every 6 seconds.

The multiplication beyond the char counts in wrong way.

So i normaly got 10 points mana every 6 seconds, but the sentence says every 10 seconds 6 points of mana.

Think there is an error in building theses sentences.

The wrong sentence:
every 10 seconds 6 point(s) mana
1.jpg (32.83 KiB) Viewed 603 times
5 points mana every 6 seconds
2.jpg (28.37 KiB) Viewed 643 times
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Char.php and counting Stats

Postby zanix » Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:43 am

Ok, read my signature
We need more info

Namely, where's the link to this error?
Can't help you if we can't see it ourselves

Anyway, I'll try to answer with what little info I have

On that item you show, I tried translating it to english
Your Roster wrote:Stellt alle 5 Sek. 6 Punkt(e) Mana wieder her

Translates to wrote:Every 5 sec. place. 6 point (E) Mana again ago

This *looks* like every 5 seconds, 6 points of mana
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Re: Char.php and counting Stats

Postby Zwarkomul » Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:44 pm

okok sorry,

here is the link to the char and the roster: ... haz'goroth

and i made a little mistake :-) youre translation is ok, it was to early this morning for me.

I wrote

I got 2 items with 5 points mana every 6 seconds.

So i normaly got 10 points mana every 6 seconds, but the sentence says every 10 seconds 6 points of mana.

but it must be

I got 2 items with 6 points mana every 5 seconds.

So i normaly got 12 points mana every 5 seconds, but the sentence says every 10 seconds 6 points of mana.

Just got a look at the page :-)
Thx and Greetings
Last edited by Zwarkomul on Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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