Using ver 2.0 WoWroster and current GroupCalendar. getting this error on upload.
Spitfire was our old guild, about 2 weeks ago. Renamed to Seduction. How can I fix?
Database Error1048: Column 'start' cannot be null
INSERT INTO roster_addons_GroupCalendar_info SET `id`='6', `creator`='Nasek', `start`=FROM_UNIXTIME(-2085857400), `title`='', `type`='Meet', `description`='hahaha', `guildonly`='Spitfire', `duration`='15', `maxlevel`='70', `maxattend`='10', `limits`='Healers: 2
Melee: 2
Off-Healers: 2
Off-Tanks: 2
Ranged: 2
Tanks: 2
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234