Problems with Accented Characters

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Problems with Accented Characters

Postby zanix » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:35 am

There used to be a point in the wiki, but it is now missing?

There are several workarounds, all involving replacing the \w in the regex setting by something else.

Pick one of the following:
  • Use \pL to match all Unicode characters defined as letters. This needs PHP 4.4+ or 5.1+ to work.
  • Change the locale used on your web server to one that includes accented letters as characters. Most European (non-English) locales should do this.
  • Add the special letters you use after the \w in the regex. This is the most dirty fix.

The first solution is the nicest, but it is not set as default because it requires a higher PHP version than Roster requires.

Also, please know that a special debug page is available to help configure main/alt relations. Go to 'index.php?p=guild-memberslist-debug' on your roster. This will show the main note in full, and the officer note if that's set at anything other than 'always invisible'. Mouse over the notes to see the result of regex parsing on that character on that note.
Last edited by zanix on Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Problems with Accented Characters

Postby tuigii » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:30 am

zanix wrote:Pick one of the following:
  • Use \pL to match all Unicode characters defined as letters. This needs PHP 4.4+ or 5.1+ to work.

The first solution is the nicest, but it is not set as default because it requires a higher PHP version than Roster requires.

With PHP 6.xx on our doorsteps, 5.1.xx becomes more then 'needed'.
Don't quiet understand why 4.4.xx is still out there.
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Re: Problems with Accented Characters

Postby Sylna » Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:55 pm

This fix does not work in the current release, because of a line of code in the "update_hook.php". In this php-file the member name gets lower-cased by strtolower(). This function destroys the special charakters in the string $main_name.

Search for the line "$main_name = ucfirst(strtolower($main_name));" and comment it out or delete it. Now the above mentioned \pL fix should work.

But notice, that all your alt-relations have to be in the correct case now. ALT-Sylna is not equal to ALT-sylna for example.

HTH, Sylna

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