I have already upload the members of my guild and the data concerning me (you can see here http://lesdejantes.olympe-network.com/Roster/index.php )
The problem occurs when a member of my guild is trying to save his data, he received the message:
This shows last time members uploaded their character profile(s) to the website.
List shows only main chars.
Players listed in 2nd table didnt update at all yet.
Players marked with Slack Alarm didnt update since the set alarm time.
Alarm time: 14 days
Bien le bonjour,
J'ai déjà upload les membres de ma guilde ansi que les données me concernant (vous pouvez le voir ici http://lesdejantes.olympe-network.com/Roster/index.php )
Le problème survient lorsque un membre de ma guilde essaye de mettre ses données, il reçoit le message :
This shows last time members uploaded their character profile(s) to the website.
List shows only main chars.
Players listed in 2nd table didnt update at all yet.
Players marked with Slack Alarm didnt update since the set alarm time.
Alarm time: 14 days
Merci de vos réponses