CALL to Localize!

Translation help and language issues

CALL to Localize!

Postby zanix » Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:35 am

Now is the time to ACT!
Localization is a never ending battle since Blizzard likes to keep us on our toes.

We will be keeping updated localizations in the downloads section of the website, but there is one thing we need...

YOUR help!

All the main localization files are located in roster/localization/
Each addon also has their own localization file, look in roster/addons/ADDONNAME/locale/

The files are named after the locale they represent
  • enUS - US English
  • deDE - German
  • frFR - French
  • esES - Spanish

If you are feeling frisky (I like this word, I don't know why) you can make a new locale for Roster
When making a new locale, make sure you have the locale code correct.

Keep these rules in mind
  1. When making a new locale file, make a copy of the enUS.php file
  2. When editing these files, DO NOT use Notepad, use a real text editor. Wordpad works (Notepad++ is a better)
  3. Keep the line numbers the same
    • This is for our sanity when matching strings to another locale
    • $lang['keyval'] from one locale file to the next should be found on the same line number
    • Meaning do not add extra spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc...
  4. Keep the comment header intact
    • Do not add or take away from the header, this is very important!
  5. Character encoding needs to be utf-8 encoded.
    • The files need to be saved in ansi, or UTF-8 without the BOM
      (if you cannot or do not know how to set this, it is ok, we can fix it)
  6. Attach the file (rename .php to .txt to attach), please DO NOT post the contents of the file, your post will just be deleted
    • Although, if the edits are 10 lines or less, you can just post them
      • Please use the Code bbtag
  7. Use locale files from the SVN
    • Always check the SVN first!
    • If the SVN is behind, and you are editing another persons file, please state this, it is very important so we do not overwrite other peoples' changes

With all that said, please create a NEW TOPIC with the following as the Title of Topic and at the beginning of the post
LOCALE [NAME] svn[####]

Replace LOCALE with the locale being translated to, such as deDE
Replace NAME with the addon name or MAIN if is a main Roster locale file (keep the brackets [] please!)
Replace #### with the svn revision of your roster build, such as 1802 (keep the brackets [] please!)

Any posts to this topic that do not concern locale rules will be deleted
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
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