Sorry for all the posts! I'm posting under different topics since they seem to be different issues.
On my GC, it seems to be not correctly tagging some of the information on the individual event page: Event Title, Attendance rules, Event Description (some).
The actual attendance (list of people) is correct & the icon for the event is correct both on the calendar view & on the event view.
My calendar: ... upCalendar
The Kara run on June 7th displays "Zul'Aman Timed run" as the event title, which is the title for the ZA today.
The ZA run on June 8th is titled as "Zul'Aman Timed run" but it's title is actually "Zul'Aman" in game. The attendance rules for this event reflect the rules I set up for an all druid Kara earlier this month.
The AQ20 event on June 11th is also titled "Zul'Aman Timed run", but everything else is correct.
The Kara run on June 14th is titled "Druid Karazhan (return)" & has the Druid Kara info from earlier this month. Also, in game, it has no event description posted, but it's event information is listed as "Birthday (gurk) 17!!" which is odd b/c I don't see that anywhere on my calendar.
The ZA run on June 15th displays everything except for attendance rules correctly.
And finally, the kara run for tomorrow, June 16th, again in correctly displays the title & attendance information, altho the event description is correct.
The events on June 5th & June 9th (the druid kara runs), June 10th, & June 12th are completely correct. I can't figure out of there is any pattern. There doesn't seem to be an consistency to creator, individuals attending, or comments.
I've attached my GroupCalendar.lua file in case there is info there that will help.
Everything on the miniCalendar seems to display correctly.