UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby MattM » Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:15 pm

Important Notes:
Requires (I think) .NET Framework 2.0 or better (whereas was .NET 1.1 before)

option to store/modify files in %appdata% instead of the executable's container
optional user popup (config tick in options tab) to notify of a non 200 error code, saying "There was an error while uploading, please see the debug log for error information"
custom user agent setting with UA integration+UU settings tab
Fixed: UU Crash if addon can't be downloaded
Auto-Adddon-Update timer options
Quit UU when Launch Wow option

UA Fields:
USERAGENT=Custom User Agent
UPERRPOPUP=Show Error Popup when upload fails
CLOSEAFUPD=Close UU after Sync/Update
CLOSEAFLAU=Close UU after Wow Launch
AUTOSYNCIN=Auto Sync/Update Interval
USEAPPDATA=Use Application Data Folder

As always, any Code Monkeys can access the source with our SVN repo.

Have Fun :P

Last edited by MattM on Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby boyo » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:05 pm

Well.... I think I found an unforseen side effect...

If Close After Updates and Close After Wow Launch are checked, you can't get in there to change anything becuase it exits out to quick.

I was thinking it should be Close After Wow Exits instead of Launch, like maybe after a cp.lua file change is detected and uploaded, *then* exit out.
This way even with it exiting, if someone needs to change something, they can tab out of the game to do it. Also, just a side note, maybe a / command and new shortcut in the start menu, that will prevent it from autoexiting for troubleshooting purposes.

Storing in %appdata% works. However, at first I overlooked that it was in wowroster.net folder. That's ok though, it looks better in there anyways. I haven't personally tested it on XP, but did check on XP and the %appdata% folder does exist, so I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

I managed to produce an error by changing my Roster address to a bad one, error was rather generic, but should get the point across.

Checked server logs, and can see where it's hitting /uniadmin, /roster and /roster20. I have two copies of roster installed, one an older beta and one a newer beta and it reported the correct UserAgent to both.

Tested the AutoUpdate by setting it to 1 min, and watched it, and it did update. Guess there's not a whole lot to that one... lol.

Seems to be working good so far, I see it's written in c#, but what version?

Has UniAdmin been updated to reflect these changes?

And as a last note, I do like the look since it's been chagned to .net 2.0
Thanks for the hard work.
Last edited by boyo on Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby zanix » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:47 pm

No UA has not been updated for these changes

We will work on UA when Roster 2.0 goes final, unless someone wants to post code for it, or Matt works on it
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby tuigii » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:52 pm

boyo wrote:Has UniAdmin been updated to reflect these changes?

Now, that would really surprise me..... :D

boyo wrote:Close After Updates and Close After Wow Launch

Wait a minuit : what about this 'exceptioonnel' case where a player has more then one char ?
He quits one for using another : Uni detectes the change, updates, and exists.

I have classic bankers for high value stuff that we do not store in the Vault. So I switch mains and bankers a lot. Why should I want to UniUpLoader to auto exit ?
True is, I use it alo now to start WoW, because I'm there already to see if the updates on UniAdmin (I mange 3 of these) are shown correctly in my UniUpLoader (and thus : all other Guild players).

It's that small, that fast, that handy.
I'll give you a better one : if one has a choice to switch the icon in the systray (swapping the WoWIcon for a 'ordinary' one) so I can install it also at my work ^^

What I've seen a couple of times :
People start UniUploader, which makes a param sync - and then it detects that a rather big addon needs to update. So of it goes.
In the mean while, these gys already already started WoW. WoW could/did read a addons that was half-way in the update process.
It depends on the addon code, of course, but this give a nice blow-up.

Another reason to say : like the system clock, if one asks to me, let it live in the system tray.

Boyo, please understand that I can't disagree with about your need for some 'auto shutt down' - they can only be valid, but please, try to estimate ALL POSSIBLE CASES, and define your question afterwards.
(the coding will be the easy part afterwards ^^)

PS : and forgot to post the reason why I posted :D
On XP Pro or Home : I toyed with it some time.
Had it using the 'old' 2.6.7 ini file => no problem at all
Made it sync with UniAdmin 'from scratch' => synced just well with UniAdmin
Updates roster ok.
Another small detail thing : file footprint went from 444 to 344 Ko (lost 1/4 !!)
Yet another thing I use the French edition => nearly all text overlaps to the right (please note that the French language use 30 % text [to say 30 % less]).

Ill keep this one already as is :D
Keep you posted if I see 'something new'
Last edited by tuigii on Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby boyo » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:16 am

Good points there tuigii,
The issue with the auto loading and then exit after game exit preferably is directly tied into using a timer to auto check for updated addons.

The issue I was having, was getting people to update their addons. With the auto update check every so often that problem is pretty much solved. *I hope*.

After taking a look at the source code, it seems that the auto update timer is just a system timer, so if you set it for 1440 mins (24 hours), the cmputer actually needs to be on for 24 hours to update, this shouldn't be a big deal at all with the exception of people who use laptops that put them in standby. Either way, no big deal, if it's an issue, you et the time to say, 720 mins(12 hours) and it *should* check at least once a day. If anything severly important needs updated, you tell people to manualy update; just like you would now.

As for addons not being done downloading when wow launches, I can see that being an issue, so it should wait until all addon updates are complete before launching wow.

I can see a usefulness in changing the system tray icon, even if it's just for something fun or for a purpose.

And about asking if UA was updated, I wasn't sure who managed it and if Matt did it at the same time. It was just a question...
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby boyo » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:22 am

Another issue that I found;

Auto run on startup isn't working on vista, in either 2.6.7 or 2.6.8beta.
I don't know what the issue is....I can see where it's opening the registry, but don't know if there's anything special for vista that needs to be done.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:53 am

Hey Matt,

Great job on this new version. I just started to test it myself and like the new options that you have added.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby MattM » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:26 am

Beta 2:

option to choose system tray icon
waits for updates/sync before launch wow (both auto and button/menu click launch)
(112.59 KiB) Downloaded 465 times
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby MattM » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:32 am

boyo wrote:The issue with the auto loading and then exit after game exit preferably is directly tied into using a timer to auto check for updated addons.

Still not quite sure what you need bud :roll:

Anaxent wrote:Hey Matt,

Great job on this new version. I just started to test it myself and like the new options that you have added.

Thanks! Tell me if you need anything!! :)
Last edited by MattM on Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby boyo » Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:07 pm

MattM wrote:
boyo wrote:The issue with the auto loading and then exit after game exit preferably is directly tied into using a timer to auto check for updated addons.

Still not quite sure what you need bud :roll:

Ok, took me three times to read it to understand what I was talking about..

My whole issue is getting people's addons updated.
Both the auto launch then exit, and using UU to launch wow and the timer fix this.

When I wrote that post i was only half there, and probably went back to that part to edit it and didn't proofread...
Last edited by boyo on Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby tuigii » Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:53 pm

boyo wrote:My whole issue is getting people's addons updated.

And that’s very important (for personal game play comfort and experiences IG)

But take a look at the name of this site :wink:

"I want them to update the Guild roster...."
and that only happening when UniUp is running when one disconnects from char.

Making an option available to the Guild member to disable this, then I will ask for an option (in UniAdmin) to disable this option all together.
In my Guild, I do not ask - before Guilding a new member – that we really appreciate that a member participates with the Guild – I will assure that they understand this issue before even offering a membership. Our Guild isn't only alive IG, but also on a site, and a Roster - WoWRoster, that is (even in bars, on my work, in restaurants).

Why asking all kinds of technical jobs (updating addons – updating roster) to a new member, if all this can be done automatic.
-> I do understand that some members don't like to have any executables on there PC - that happens (MAC owner still are a little bit excluded anyway)
-> I am available for explanation when new members need help (this is logic)
-> But if they don't want to cooperate, well, then they want to be member without being a member, that's fine to me: I've got a slash command for that also – as a final help -.

-> It’s important to show to people that they can take stuff from the net, but that they also can put stuff (from themselves) on the net. (I you understand what I mean …).

What I want to say: auto-stopping UniUpLoader is ok to me but be careful to not remove the very first reason why UniUpLoader exists.

All this, of course, is my opinion about the usage of UniUpLoader ^^
Last edited by tuigii on Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby boyo » Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:55 pm

I 100% agree with what you are saying there tugii; getting roster to update is VERY important to me, the webmaster; however having the proper raiding addons installed (omen, group calendar, etc...) is important to my raid leaders.

I definitly agree, every aspect of UU should be able to be controlled by UA.
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UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby MattM » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:49 pm

I believe one of the shutdown options I added is redundant lol.
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby tuigii » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:20 pm

MattM wrote:UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

I dispatched 2.6.8 among 5 of my "no noob" Guild members.
3 have Vista Premium.

So far, so good, it looks like this will become the next "set it and forget tool".

I will bring feedback here if needed.

Number 6 is still yelling. She can't stand the fact that I had to say: "Sorry, having a Mac isn't always a good thing :) ".
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Re: UniUploader 2.6.8 BETA

Postby tuigii » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:09 am

MattM wrote:Important Notes:
Requires (I think) .NET Framework 2.0 or better (whereas was .NET 1.1 before)

You can stop thinking about this:

[imgurl url=http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en]http://www.papy-team.fr/forum/e107_images/custom/Tech/dotnet2needed.png[/imgurl]

Just click the image to go to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en
to download .NET v2.0.xxxx - you'll be needing it ^^
Last edited by tuigii on Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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