Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

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Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

Postby kivasfajo » Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:10 pm

I was testing this out with another guild member in Tanaris. We are looking for something to log our duels for an in guild tourney. We had to flag PvP to get it to record our duels. I was killed in the process of dueling by horde toon. I would like to be able to log my duels without being flagged for PvP.

If this is possible with the current addon, please tell me how to configure it.

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Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

Postby zanix » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:57 am

This really should be on the download notes (hint, hint)

But duels are currently not recorded in PvPLog
bsmorgan said it has to do with the API not notifying when duels start, or something
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Re: Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

Postby kivasfajo » Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:35 pm

Thank You
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Re: Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:32 pm

The reason why duel support was removed from PvPLog version 3 was caused by a combination of issues.

The first issue is that Blizzard does not provide a "Duel Starting" event which would allow PvPLog to set an internal flag that was used to allow "friendly" units to be temporarily considered enemies.

The second issue is that PvPLog no longer contains a localizable text parser because the combat log is locale independent. This parser was also used to parse chat and fake a "Duel Starting" event.

The third issue is that to capture the above messages, PvPLog had to capture and scan every chat message. This very expensive capture was eliminated to improve the performance of PvPLog.

I did not completely remove the duel code in the hopes that some day it could be activated again and it sounds to me like you have discovered a set of conditions where the existing code "sort of" works.

Here's my offer:

If you can capture the combat logs and the PvPLog debug output for the two cases "Duel with PvP flag" and "Duel without PvP flag" and post them here (see the Capturing PvPLog debugging information sticky topic), then I will take another look and see if there are events in the new combat log that can be used to trigger the capture of duels again.



P.S. Zanix, What download notes?
Last edited by bsmorgan on Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Duel log only records duels when flagged PvP

Postby zanix » Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:55 pm

On the page where the addon is available for download
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