Example : your main site logo on the roster page.
- Code: Select all
<a href="http://bellicosus.be.funpic.de/"><img src="img/wowroster_logo.jpg" alt="" hspace="0" vspace="0" style="border:0;" /></a>
Your main roster logo has a image URL path, img/.
But the default path from where the roster is called isn't it's root but some other site directory. So all relative paths are wrong.
This is know when you integrate the roster as a whole in another CMS.
Somehow, the roster can't detect its own root.
What might help, is: goto the main CP page, and find these:
Interface Verzeichnis URL
Roster Bilder Verzeichnis URL
Place before the
img/ path the relatif part from your root-site directory.
But this more a patch.
The CMS that calls your roster has to be modified, or its setup concerning the "roster module".