Character information - turning off options?

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Character information - turning off options?

Postby foreseit » Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:58 am

I'd like to turn off the options of bank, bag, money, and mail in the character information screen like we were able to do in the old roster version. While I can set it to "guild"+ privacy, I'd rather not let anyone see it like a force hidden. I don't even want to see what to be able to see what's in my guildies' bags, banks, etc because I think that's invading their privacy. Is there anyway to do this now, or can it possibly be added?
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Character information - turning off options?

Postby Anaxent » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:16 am

This can be done with in the new admin control panel with in Roster 2.0. Almost every page in roster is now considered an addon which also has its own configuration. You will see one for Character Info.
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Character information - turning off options?

Postby PleegWat » Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:37 pm

No, he's right (and he's talking about 2.0).
I think you can set it to guild, officer, or admin privacy level, but you can't turn it off.
IIRC the reasoning is that setting to admin is the same as setting to invisible, since the admin can see it in the database or whatever anyway.

Suggested workaround: Set to admin, and log in as guild/officer for normal site browsing.
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