I have a few comments immediately viewing this addon
short tags
In lua2phparray.php, you have a short tag <?
This needs to be<?php, many web servers turn off short tags
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... f_an_AddOn
end tags
you have a few files with ?> at the end, with white space following
You do not need to include the ?> at the end of a file
This is will also prevent "headers not sent" errors
lua->php parsing
It looks like you are using a different lua->php parser than Roster's
You are also using a custom lua update page
Roster 2.0 provides a much better update hook system than 1.7.3 even allowing additional lua files for upload parsing
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... pdate_Hook
Look at how pvplog uses update hook to accept pvplog.lua
Building a menu
As an alternative, you can add menu panes to the Roster menu instead of making your own, then add your buttons to the new pane
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... nu_Entries
There are many, many html errors, but I'm only going to mention a few critical ones
You have <link> and <script> tags in the html body
Try passing these strings to $roster->output['html_head']
File Paths
You are using some hard coded paths, such as the link to the img/ dir and links to pages
Use makelink() and $roster->config variables for these
Also files are being included without using the path variables for addons
For maximum compatibility when an addon is running in a ported Roster, you should use these
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... for_AddOns
Roster DB Layer
Your update code does not use the Roster DB layer, this is the only place I really looked
This can be solved by using the update hook system
There is more, but I wanted to get this down before I forget
Can you also give me some data to upload?