Error with Ace Section

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Error with Ace Section

Postby raka » Thu May 15, 2008 11:30 pm


Now I try to get some help with this seperate Topic

I have an UniAdmin Installation 0.79 and all of it works fine- only the Ace Section is always buggy.
After clicking it the error "Error 500 - Internal server error" comes. I had looked at all files settings und tried 777 666 755 ... but nothing changes.

After that I try to delete the "cache"-directory, with an effect of no Error500, but with many death-links. To delete some files in it will not take any effekt.

Is there anybody, to help with these issiu?
I use
SQL 5.0.51a-log
PHP Version 4.4.8
PHP API Type cgi
safe_mode Off
open_basedir Off
allow_url_fopen On
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 20M
GD Status On
GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support Yes
FreeType Linkage with freetype
T1Lib Support No
GIF Read Support Yes
GIF Create Support Yes
JPG Support Yes
PNG Support Yes
WBMP Support Yes
XBM Support Yes
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support No
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Error with Ace Section

Postby zanix » Thu May 15, 2008 11:41 pm

500 errors are vague, it could be many things
If you have access to your web server error log, that might shed some light on what is happening
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Re: Error with Ace Section

Postby raka » Fri May 16, 2008 11:26 am

Thx 4 quick answer

Yes, I think I have access to the log- files. but into the sheet there are many fils. Some von them as an zip file like "access.log.12.gz" or "ftp.log.15.gz"
What kind of file I have to look at? Which entry should be insert there?
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Re: Error with Ace Section

Postby tuigii » Fri May 16, 2008 12:17 pm

raka wrote:"access.log.12.gz" or "ftp.log.15.gz"
What kind of file I have to look at? Which entry should be insert there?

acces.log.12.gz = the regular acces (all requests - May, 12 - the biggest file)
ftp.log.15.gz = your tfp acces to the site (all commands - May, 15)

Isn't there a file like
error.log.x.gz mentioning all the errors that the webserver detected on May, x ?
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Re: Error with Ace Section

Postby raka » Sat May 17, 2008 6:40 pm

There is nothing like this in it
Mail log.x.gz
ftp log.x.gz
access log.x.gz

thats all- the other one are with same names but unpacked at now (seems to be actual files)

Is there any way to track a debug file- or is there any debug mode with UA?
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