Yet another topic

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Yet another topic

Postby Manilas » Thu May 15, 2008 4:45 pm


I browsed most of the forum and even readed a lot of and still haven't found a fix for my problem.

I recently added WoWRoster v1.7.3 to my webserver.

I then downloaded Character Profiler, UniUploader and Guild Profiler. I installed them all.

Logged in WoW, saved my character data than saved my guild data.

I tried uploading the CharacterProfiler.lua but it doesn't work. Tried resaving all my data, still doesn't work.

Here is the error :

Parsing files

* Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.08 seconds

Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.

Now, as stated in another post, I search my CharacterProfiler.lua for the part with the list of members and I only could find guild logs.

If anyone wants to have a look at my CharacterProfiler.lua to see if everything is in order, I would appreciate it.

Also, I saw in another post that there should be an option on the left of the update page that had the options Guild Upload and Character Upload. I do not see those 2 options, it brings me directly to Character Upload.

Sorry in advance for the trouble
My CP.lua
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Re: Yet another topic

Postby Nefuh » Thu May 15, 2008 6:38 pm

Hey Manilas,

i tested your "characterprofiler.lua" in one of my local roster installations and there was no error on updating.

Also, I saw in another post that there should be an option on the left of the update page that had the options Guild Upload and Character Upload. I do not see those 2 options, it brings me directly to Character Upload.

There´s no option to change between Guild and Character Upload. A Guild Update will be done, when you enter your roster password in the passwordbox on the update page. If you enter no password and click on upload only a character update will be done.

In the german community, some people reported a problem that roster could not open the uploaded characterprofiler.lua from the uploaded path, because the webhosting provider disabled direct read access.

I have written a little modification for the roster upload routine, so now first roster checks if file could be read. If yes, the roster is going on with the normal routine. But if the file is not readable from the original location, roster now tries to move the uploaded file to a temporary directory in the roster folder. From this folder roster can read the file, and update will be done.

Just download the attach file. Before uploading the new files, make a backup of the original files.

Hopefully this helps you,

Greetings from Germany

Make a backup of the original files, before you replace the files, with the files in this fix.
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Yet another topic

Postby Manilas » Fri May 16, 2008 12:49 am

Call me stupidXD

The guild name in the config section is case sensitive and I was sure it was with a capital U at the beginning.

Darn guild master, I'll have to hit him to not capitalize the first letter of a name of an organization XD
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