MadeBy and WoWRoster 2.0

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MadeBy and WoWRoster 2.0

Postby TankGirl » Wed May 07, 2008 11:36 pm

Ok I honestly think I'm losing my mind here.
I'm 99.9% sure I had MadeBy for WoWRoster 2.0, but when I re-installed WR2 and came back here for a WR2 MadeBy... GONE.
I for the life of me cannot find it here anymore.
The reason I believe there was a WR2 version of MadeBy is because in my main site nav menu I had WR2 type MadeBy direct link.

Am I going crazy or can someone confirm or deny this?

If this was a WR2 package addon. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can have back? lol
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MadeBy and WoWRoster 2.0

Postby cwpc » Wed May 07, 2008 11:43 pm

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