If have downloaded DKP stats
can some 1 tell me what i have to change in the config file so it will work
* WoWRoster.net DKPStats
* DKPStats is a Roster addon that will show dkp from your EQDKP site
* within the roster
* LICENSE: Licensed under the Creative Commons
* "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license
* @copyright 2006-2007 PoloDude
* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5 Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5"
* @version 1.0.0
* @svn SVN: $Id: conf.php 177 2007-07-09 08:18:02Z PoloDude $
* @author PoloDude
* @link http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewforum/f=112.html
* @since 01/11/2006
//where is the itemstats lib
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['itemstatsLib'] = "./itemstats";
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['itemstatsCSS'] = "itemstats.css";
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['itemstatsLibFile'] = "wowroster_itemstats.php";
//Is eqdkp data in another database the the roster?
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['eqdkpdb'] = true;
//eqdkp table prefix (this is needed no matter what set above)
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['eqdkp_prefix'] = 'eqdkp_'; // MYSQL Database Table prefix for EQDKP tables. (Must match EQDKP setup)
// If using a different database fill these in
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_user2'] = 'eqdkpdbuser'; // MYSQL Database Username
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_passwd2'] = 'eqdkpdbpwd'; // MYSQL Database Password
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_name2'] = 'eqdkpdbname'; // MYSQL Database Name
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_host2'] = 'localhost'; // MYSQL Server Address (localhost if the database is on the same machine)
#--[ EQDKP INSTALL CONFIG ]--------------------------------------------------------
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['eqdkp_install'] = 'http://dkp.resurgam.van-z.net/'; // Set this to the full path of your EQDKP Install
//Version Check
$addon_conf['DKPStats']['Version'] = '1.0.0';
//Create connection to eqdkp db
$eqdkpdb = object;
if ($addon_conf['DKPStats']['eqdkpdb']){
$eqdkpdb = new wowdb;
$eqdkp_db = $eqdkpdb->connect($addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_host2'], $addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_user2'], $addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_passwd2'], $addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_name2']);
if( !$eqdkp_db )
die(basename(__FILE__).': line['.(__LINE__).']<br />'.'Could not connect to database "'.$addon_conf['DKPStats']['db_name2'].'"<br />MySQL said:<br />'.$eqdkpdb->error());
$eqdkpdb = $wowdb;