mm out of idees

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mm out of idees

Postby Raginglion » Sun May 04, 2008 4:19 am

Parsing files

* Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.05 seconds

Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.

ok i am no rocket scientist but i got the feeling i am douing something wrong. I followd every possible guide i could found done the charecter profiler thingy like it should. I done every single thing but stil i am getting this error over and over again. And if i don't get that one i get the one where it says the guildname doesn't exists on the server. And i am 100% shure it does as that same guildname works on the imba site.

Someone please explain 2 me how i can upload this shizzel whithout a problem. I am on the verge of just kicking this out of the window and trying something else. But as it is one of the nicest things i seen for wow site building i wil not do that just yet. Please provide me with some info.

Tnx in advance.
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mm out of idees

Postby Kelv » Sun May 04, 2008 4:43 am

A guess at the error message, you haven't been through and set the default allowed guild.
Open the roster control panel, Upload Rules and set an allow rule for your default guild.
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mm out of idees

Postby Raginglion » Sun May 04, 2008 5:33 am

Tell me where i can find this so cald roster control panel as i can't find anything by that name. And what rules ?
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mm out of idees

Postby zanix » Sun May 04, 2008 10:28 am

By the look of the place where you posted your question you have Roster 1.7.3

Kelv is referring to options and settings in the current beta Roster 2.0

As for Roster 1.7.3, go to Roster config and under guild settings enter your guild and realm (exact spelling, case sensitive)
Next, go to update.php and upload CP.lua along with your Roster password (character uploads do not need this password, only guild uploads)

For any Roster 2.0 beta questions or for a download, visit "the BETA Files" forum
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
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mm out of idees

Postby Raginglion » Mon May 05, 2008 3:26 am

Ok tnx that fixd the problem.

Now testing the 2.0 looks even nicer.

Good job on the nice script
Raginglion Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun May 04, 2008 1:30 am

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