[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby zanix » Sat May 03, 2008 12:52 pm

Holgiranemsi, can you hit save upload log for me and attach the txt file here please
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby Holgiranemsi » Sat May 03, 2008 2:31 pm

Here the ServerResponse:
<!-- ############ Uploading to Primary URL...
############ http://www.die-illuminaten-azeroths.de/ ... update.php -->

Analysiere Dateien
Es ist nicht erlaubt GuildProfiler.lua.gz hochzuladen
-> This confuses me: It's not allowed to upload GuildProfiler.lua.gz; but it should be allowed if you check the Security-Settings
CharacterProfiler analysiert in 0.34 Sekunden
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Aktualisiere Charakter Daten für [Dududelüx@EU-Khaz'goroth]
About to update player
Updating Equipment ..................
Updating Inventory : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag3
Updating Bank : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag7 : Bag3 : Bag6
No New Mail
Updating Skills ...................
Updating Professions : Lederverarbeitung : Erste Hilfe
Updating Spellbook : Allgemein : Gleichgewicht : Wilder Kampf : Wiederherstellung
Updating Talents : Wilder Kampf : Gleichgewicht : Wiederherst.
Updating Reputation ...................................
Updating Quests: 21
Updating Buffs: 4
Aktualisiere Charakter Daten für [Holgiranemsi@EU-Khaz'goroth]
About to update player
Updating Equipment ...................
Updating Inventory : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag3
Updating Bank : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag7 : Bag3 : Bag6
No New Mail
Updating Skills .................
Updating Professions : Kochkunst : Verzauberkunst : Schneiderei : Erste Hilfe
Updating Spellbook : Dämonologie : Zerstörung : Allgemein : Gebrechen
Updating Talents : Dämonologie : Zerstörung : Gebrechen
Updating Reputation .........................................
Updating Quests: 13
Updating Buffs: 7
Updating pet [Gaknik]
Updating Spellbook....
Aktualisiere Charakter Daten für [Versilberer@EU-Khaz'goroth]
About to update player
Updating Equipment .
Updating Inventory : Bag0
No Bank Data
No New Mail
Updating Skills .........
No Recipe Data
Updating Spellbook : Dämonologie : Zerstörung : Allgemein
No Talents Data
Updating Reputation .....
No Quest Data
No Buffs

Here the debugging response:
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] 2.6.7|
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] 2.6.7 Changes
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] 1. Fixed - Long SV name bug
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] 2. Fixed - purge web-wow sv bug
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2008.05.03 10:29:20]
[2008.05.03 10:29:20]
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: url: http://www.wowroster.net/uniuploader_up ... update.php
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: param1: OPERATION
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: val1: GETLANGMD5
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: Timeout: 20000
[2008.05.03 10:29:20] RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2008.05.03 10:29:21] cd44d0a27f13f98b7a30241d56d2d29b
[2008.05.03 10:29:21] RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2008.05.03 10:29:21]
[2008.05.03 10:29:21] MD5SUM of local languages.ini: cd44d0a27f13f98b7a30241d56d2d29b
[2008.05.03 10:31:19] Uploading to Primary URL...: http://www.die-illuminaten-azeroths.de/ ... update.php
[2008.05.03 10:31:19] GroupCalendar.lua - 89% Compressed. Upload Size: 5,33 KB
[2008.05.03 10:31:19] GuildProfiler.lua - 37% Compressed. Upload Size: 0,13 KB
[2008.05.03 10:31:19] CharacterProfiler.lua - 88% Compressed. Upload Size: 131,22 KB
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Re: [1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby Holgiranemsi » Sat May 03, 2008 2:38 pm

And here the file from the manual upload

(3.1 KiB) Downloaded 300 times
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby zanix » Sat May 03, 2008 2:57 pm

I don't see vault in the update log
Check to make sure you have uploaded all of Roster's files

Specifically, check if addons/vault/inc/update_hook.php exists
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby Holgiranemsi » Sat May 03, 2008 3:07 pm

It's all there, dated April 29th 2008 where I installed the Update to 1758.
To let you know: This problem exists now since I guess January. It works before (see other Threats where I posted this) but then it stopped by any reason and does not restart to work with any additional update which was pre-released (beta).
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby zanix » Sat May 03, 2008 4:16 pm

Did you turn off "Addon Update Triggers" in RosterCP?
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby Holgiranemsi » Sat May 03, 2008 4:27 pm

Yes, we did cause the Alt-/Main-Relation-Update does only work without the trigger and if we do it manual from the admin-menu. Do you think this might cause the problem? Let my try...
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby Holgiranemsi » Sat May 03, 2008 4:31 pm

Yea, thats the problem. The damn trigger!!!!
And it looks that the problem with the Main-/Twink-Updates to the relations gets fixed as the Relations are not removed after my upload!

You made my day ;-)
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[1758] Guild-Vault does not contain any data

Postby PleegWat » Sat May 03, 2008 5:58 pm

The main/alt manual and automatic updates do almost exactly the same, so it should indeed show the same syncing problems on upload or on manual update. Otherwise, you can turn main/alt updating off in its own configuration as well.
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