unless I missed something, I downloaded and installed the latest version, but I get the "osterDF" error as well.
If I add &p to the end, it's fine.
A number of the links don't work, I.E. tells me "done but with errors on page" , for example guild information is linked to
www.wow-stu.com/# instead of the correct module link.
I also get the errors:
PHP Errorstheme.php
Notice line 80: Undefined variable: user_agent
Notice line 80: Undefined variable: user_agent
Notice line 26: Undefined variable: content
142 0.0019 SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
488 0.0012 SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon` ORDER BY `basename`;
77 0.0002 SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_account` ORDER BY `account_id` DESC;
414 0.0001 SELECT count(`member_id`) AS `amount`, IF(`note` LIKE '%alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS label FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_members` WHERE `level` >= 60 GROUP BY isalt, label;
532 0.0001 SELECT `name`, `server`, `region` FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_upload` WHERE `default` = '1' LIMIT 1;
608 0.0001 SELECT `mb`.*, `a`.`basename` FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_menu_button` AS mb LEFT JOIN `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon` AS a ON `mb`.`addon_id` = `a`.`addon_id` WHERE `a`.`addon_id` IS NULL OR `a`.`active` = 1;
625 0.0001 SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_menu` WHERE `section` IN ('util','realm','guild') ORDER BY `config_id`;
I may be doing something wrong, but I followed the beta post you linked above....