I came across the tooltip matching and I am now stumped
The esES locale file for Char-Info was already translated
- Code: Select all
$lang['item_bonuses_preg_patterns'] =
array('/Aumenta el valor de bloqueo de tu escudo en xx\.?/i', //1
'/(?:incrementa|decrementa) (?:tu )?(.+) en xx\.?/i', //2
'/Aumenta el daño y la sanación de los hechizos mágicos y los efectos hasta en xx\.?$/i', //3
'/(?:Restaura|\+)?\s?xx de (maná|salud) (?:cada|durante|regen).*$/i', //4
'/Aumenta el daño hecho en (.+) y.*$/i', //5
'/^\+?xx (sanación)(?: hechizos)?\.?$/', //6
'/^alcance \(\+xx daño\)$/i', //7
'/^\+?xx (?:escudo )?bloquear$/i', //8
$lang['item_bonuses_preg_replacements'] =
array('+XX Bloqueo de escudo', //1
'+XX $1', //2
'+XX Hechizo $1:+XX $2 Hechizos', //3
'+XX $1 Cada 5 segundos', //4
'+XX $1 Daño', //5
'+XX $1 Hechizos', //6
'+XX Daño a distancia (Alcance)', //7
'+XX Bloqueo de escudo', //8
And the enUS file had these
- Code: Select all
$lang['item_bonuses_preg_patterns'] =
array('/increases the block value of your shield by XX\.?/i', //1
'/(?:increases|improves) (?:your )?(.+) by XX\.?/i', //2
'/increases (Damage) and (Healing) done by magical spells and effects by up to XX\.?$/i', //3
'/Increases Healing Done By Spells And Effects By Up To XX\.?/i', //4
'/Increases Damage Done By Spells And Effects By Up To XX\.?/i', //5'
'/(?:restores|\+)?\s?XX (mana|health) (?:per|every|regen).*$/i', //6
'/increases damage done by (.+) and.*$/i', //7
'/^\+?XX (Healing)(?: Spells)?\.?$/', //8
'/^\+XX Spell Damage and Healing/i', //8.5
'/^scope \(\+XX damage\)$/i', //9
'/^\+?XX (?:shield )?block$/i', //10
'/^\+XX All Stats/i', //11
'/^\+XX All Resistances/i', //12
'/^\+XX Spell Critical Rating/i', //13
$lang['item_bonuses_preg_replacements'] =
array('+XX Shield Block', //1
'+XX $1', //2
'+XX Spell $1:+XX $2 Spells', //3
'+XX Healing Spells', // 4
'+XX Damage Spells', // 5
'+XX $1 Per 5 Seconds', //6
'+XX $1 Damage', //7
'+XX $1 Spells', //8
'+XX Spell Damage:+XX Healing Spells', //8.5
'+XX Ranged Damage (Scope)', //9
'+XX Shield Block', //10
'+XX Strength:+XX Agility:+XX Stamina:+XX Intellect:+XX Spirit', //11
'+XX Arcane Resistance:+XX Fire Resistance:+XX Nature Resistance:+XX Frost Resistance:+XX Shadow Resistance', //12
'+XX Spell Critical Strike Rating', //13
Unfortunately, I do not know Spanish, so I can't figure out what is new and what is already translated
Can someone please match the translated esES strings with the enUS strings?