phpBBSync SVN[385]

Synchronizes various aspects of your Roster with your phpBB forum

Moderator: jaffa

phpBBSync SVN[385]

Postby jaffa » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:43 pm

-Corrected images folder (again)
-Fixed the horrible broken mess of syntax errors that was SVN [384].
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Re: phpBBSync SVN[385]

Postby wacoede » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:52 am

small bug in the config.func.php file you seamed to have switched the settings for DF and phpBB3
Code: Select all
   if ($addon['config']['forum_type'] == 1) /*DF*/{

Code: Select all
   if ($addon['config']['forum_type'] == 0) /*phpBB3*/{

yet the data base says DF = 0 and phpBB3 = 1
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Re: phpBBSync SVN[385]

Postby jaffa » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:33 am

Ugh, I knew that I had it right first time. It went wrong for some reason and I changed it, but it's clearly not right somewhere else too :/
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phpBBSync SVN[385]

Postby Anaxent » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:07 am

I remeber working with the earlier 1.7 version of roster and the phpbb/df sync addon and it also allowed the admin to configure what groups each rank was to be added to by first showing the list of created groups then allowing the admin to set the rank to each group or even a particular user which also allowed the user to be in multi groups like members and officers at the same time considering each user in roster should be a member then allow additional features to other groups they are with in. Im thinking a feature like this would allow the admin/officer more control over there users and site granted I also do like the idea of creating the group if none exist.. so maybe in the admin section allow the creation of each group that is not created already then allow the admin to set each rank to the group and or multi groups. I think I still have the old addon laying around some where if needed and you think these would be nice features.
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Re: phpBBSync SVN[385]

Postby jaffa » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:38 pm

They sound nice features but a lot of work :) Feel free to send me the old addon or post it here - I will look at it after I've stabilised the current version, but I can't guarantee I can implement it.
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