phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Synchronizes various aspects of your Roster with your phpBB forum

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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby jaffa » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:07 am

NOTE: This version only works with Dragonfly phpBB. Further work required for phpBB3!

This addon syncronises various aspects of your Roster with your phpBB forum. It will do some or all of the following:

-Create groups and move members into those groups.
-Create ranks and change members to those ranks.
-Update members' forum location with their in-game location or hearth.
-Change members' avatar and signature to their SigGen avatar and signature.
-Suspend members who leave the guild.

The addon was originally based on SMFSync by boyo. Currently it only updates everything on a guild update, not a character update. If demand exists I may change some aspects (specifically location and avatar/signature) to update on character update.

Please try it out and tell me what's wrong with it!
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby Anaxent » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:50 am

Nice work man
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby justinalot » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:25 pm

Nice one

Getting there but getting this error

1054: Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
update phpbb_users u, roster_members m set where ucase(
File: lib/dbal/mysql.php
Line: 235
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby justinalot » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:34 pm

Getting new error now

1054: Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby jaffa » Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:20 am

You are using the addon on a phpBB3 forum. As noted elsewhere, the addon only works fully for a DF forum. However, the latest SVN allows group management and user suspension to a suspended group, so give that a try (if you're feeling brave). Make sure you select phpBB3 in the main options.
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby Anaxent » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:51 am

So I have finally got around to testing this addon with my rosterdf svn install at I currently have only one registered roster member to df being Merllin. When looking at the update log it seems to be saying it is creating the groups, ranks and such but really does not.

Success creating group(s)
Groups updated
Location updated.
Signature updated.
Avatar updated.
User rank(s) created
User rank(s) updated
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby jaffa » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:25 pm

What it doesn't currently do is check how many it has done - in this case zero. I probably need to make a guide. Is the user's 'Real Name' filled in with his main character name? That's the field the addon checks.
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby Anaxent » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:55 pm

hehe ah i see what you mean
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby TankGirl » Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:20 pm

Jaffa I don't know if you've done this or thought of this, but I'd like to make a suggestion that may make the addon more flexible.
For Ranks to Groups you should try to put both from the databases and let the admin dicide which rank goes to which group.
Before i think you told me it creates/places ranks in a group of the same name.
In the result of our guild.. (with 10 military ranks) that's alot of groups! lol

What I'm suggesting is this.
For Rank -> Group a configuration to set what group a rank goes into.
Just pull a list of the rank names from the roster, and in the second column options list of the phpbb(3) group names. Should also include a "do nothing" option for the ranks that will never change group.

-afterthough: I'm not sure if WoWRoster will have all the ranks of a guild if they are not all filled. (ex. in the players info). so maybe extending the config to include a "how many ranks" to list option, and for the empties add text boxes to be filled in manually maybe. (just throwing thoughts out there)

This will allow more control over phpbbsync, and for some a less bulky group configuration on the phpbb(3) side. (like us with 10 ranks and 4 groups)

On a side note.. I wasn't sure if you've done this or not, but phpbb3 has "default" group setting for each member in the table. phpbbsync should make a the group it sets the default, or have an option for it.

BTW Jaffa you're doing a great job and creating a fantastic and very useful tool. I hope my ideas are in some way helpful and if you need anything let me know. I do know database stuff (customise/create DB's and queries all the time), and know enough php to give workable ideas, but I'm cold when it comes to actual heavy php programming lol
That's all you my friend and more power to ya. ha ha
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby PleegWat » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:13 pm

Wowroster contains information about all ranks in the guild, even those nobody is in.
I <3 /bin/bash
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phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby wacoede » Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:19 am

I don't know if this would be possible but it cant hurt to ask

Could you implement something for the multi rank mod

What I was think was maybe an option to set the players
Guild Rank as rank 2
Class as rank 3
Race as rank 4
Leaving Rank 5 blank for Custom Ranks (IE Site Admin)

Also an option so we can choose which field we want to use either Username or Real Name
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby Melina » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:47 am

An All Guilds Option would be nice also as I run 3 off the same forum.

Yeah choosing by user name instead of the real name field would be nice as everyone on my site is required to use there character name or I don't approve it..I'm guessing that is where I am having issues..
Last edited by Melina on Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby justinalot » Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:09 pm

jaffa wrote:You are using the addon on a phpBB3 forum. As noted elsewhere, the addon only works fully for a DF forum. However, the latest SVN allows group management and user suspension to a suspended group, so give that a try (if you're feeling brave). Make sure you select phpBB3 in the main options.

I dont get the option for PHPBB3 in main I am afraid
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby jaffa » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:35 pm

Have you downloaded and installed the latest version from the SVN? It should say version on the addon management page.
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Re: phpBBSync addon for Roster 2.0

Postby jaffa » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:19 pm

In response to the other requests:

- Letting an admin decide which rank/group in phpBB corresponds to which guild rank.
This should be possible, but will be quite a big project. I'll get phpBB3 working first before looking at this.

- Multi rank mod.
Can you point me in the direction of this mod so I can see how it works? I guess it means each user has multiple ranks, so there will be a user_ranks join table like there is with groups. This may be possible, but might be quite difficult and is probably a bit of a niche. I'll look into it, it might be pretty easy.

-Field to use for character name
Yep, will do this on the next update. There is no real name field in phpBB3 anyway so I am currently using the AIM field - bit of a kludge, willing to hear any ideas if you have them.

-Multi-Guild support
Actually, it does all guilds at the moment - I am intending to put in the single guild support but it does all of them at the moment, whatever you set that field to.
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