2.4 Character/Guild Profiler updates for the 1.7.3 version?

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2.4 Character/Guild Profiler updates for the 1.7.3 version?

Postby raithkell » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:08 am


So sorry if I am missing something here, but I just checked the version for 2.4 that are on the website now to download. The 1st line in the read me file is "rpgo-CharacterProfiler: Character Profiler: WoW Addon 2.0". It seems from that AND the fact that the file didn't update for me after I tried it anyway.

Like it says in the subject, I use the 1.7.3 version of the Roster. Are the files being made for us that still use this version...or are we going to need to upgrade to the newer version 2.0 of the Roster?

Thank you...

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2.4 Character/Guild Profiler updates for the 1.7.3 version?

Postby zanix » Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:26 am

Read just a bit closer

WoW Addon 2.0
WoWRoster Addon 2.0

CharacterProfiler is an addon for the game and that line is letting you know it is for WoW 2.0

However, when Roster 2.0 is fully released, there will be no updates to 1.7.3 if CharacterProfiler changes
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Re: 2.4 Character/Guild Profiler updates for the 1.7.3 versi

Postby raithkell » Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:20 am

Great...thank you for clarifying that for me...but I found out what my issues was...and now it's fixed.

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly...you have always be very helpful.
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