I'm posting this here because although it may not be directly tied to Roster, the people that would be interested (if any) would be here ... and there are possibilities. This may be better located in the 3rd party area but I will leave that to the forum deities ... Please moderate as needed
Blizzard keeps a fairly clean calendar of in-game events on their website. At the same time, there is a new "News" module in Roster with v2.0 that could easily be used for calendaring (huzzah on 2.0 guys). Finally, there is a 3rd party Roster addon that sync's with GEM (and maybe GC soon). Has anyone raised the point of somehow tying some things together? If not the Roster module, maybe a GEM with Blizzard Event Calendar tie in? Forgive any "can't do that" due to Blizzevent not having subscription abilities or capable of exporting XML/data for manipulation ... I'm an ignorant person when it comes to code
What I envision would be either the News part of Roster and/or the GEM addon providing (optional) information directly sync'd from the Blizzard Event Calendar on top of its own capabilities. We have a lot of guildmates that show up for RAIDs but always miss the Darkmoon Faire
Two Cents anyone?