WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

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WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

Postby Derex » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:21 am

This is a quick thread to announce the release of a new version of phpRaid and a new name for the old application brought back to life.

For those of you familiar with phpRaid or those of you new to needing group and raid management software, i've updated an old favorite.

The old phpRaid (not to be confused with phpRaider) software has been updated and renamed to WoW Raid Manager. This is a cohesive group and raid managment application for Guild Websites (written in PHP) allowing users to schedule groups and raids, sign up for them and even download the information into World of Warcraft via one of a couple of UI mods to make invites and raid management within game easier.

For those already familiar with the software, this is a full security rework to the system. I know phpRaid in the past has been riddled with secuirty holes, this update should fix most if not all of them and is a MUCH better application all around. If you've tried us in the past but dropped the software due to concerns about web security I suggest you give a try again.

WIth the name change there is a new developer and also a new support website where you can obtain support or get ahold of the software. Please see for more information on WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) or to give it a try.

This software is being actively developed and will continue to be actively maintained for several more versions. If you're worried about lack of support we have a growing user community on the WRM boards.

Any concerns or support questions should be posted to the website, this thread is intended to announce a new version only.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you all on the boards.

Development and Support for WOW Raid Manager.
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WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

Postby zanix » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:32 am

Good to know, thanks
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Re: WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

Postby Wyren » Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:13 pm

Nice one, I'll have to install a test-version and see if it's not about time we move off phpRaid :)
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WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

Postby timhor » Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:45 am

And Kyle Spraggs (the man using is own GPL code and selling beta access to it) doesn't complain about all this ?
I mean, i very well know how durty phpraid was and how durrty is now phpraider (something like a v2). He is actually working on a v2/v3, sounds fun to not mix up ^^

dow WRM is compatible right out of the box with phpbb3 ?
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WoW Raid Manager (phpRaid) 3.2.0 Release Announcement

Postby wwickens » Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:20 pm

Hi guys

How differcult would it be to install this as a DF module using the DF logon info as well as the DF theme and use WoWRosterDF as the roster source

btw Illydth its looks great
Last edited by wwickens on Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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