Approach to DDoS Filter

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Re: Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby deenkids » Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:03 am

I never get past the first toon, as there's an issue with his sync, therefore it will sit there all night failing on his toon, locking up, etcetera. If by chance it bypasses that toon, I can sync a chunk of the guild until it gets back to that specific toon.

I get a TON of mismatched properties for gemming on that toon, fwiw.

Attached copy+paste of what I got on that one character for over an hour of sync time.
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Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby Kaylaura » Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:31 am

Maybe we need to think about this from a different angle. Have the addon only try to sync with the armory whenever you are looking at a character's information? Although I guess the addons that benefit the most from data aggregation would not be as useful - but it would still be less painful I think, than trying to update whole rosters of character information at a time.
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Re: Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby umop3plsdn » Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:57 pm

I had issues with the sync myself until I installed armorysync on a local server and now anytime i want to update i just make a backup of the database with mysqldump and tar it up drop the other database and replace rinse and repeat. May seem like a big issue but all in all it takes maybe 5 minutes to copy drop replace so it really isn't. My guild has about 120 toons. I think it may have been related to my hosting provider thinking i was a curl spambot.
Last edited by umop3plsdn on Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby driller » Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:01 pm

1524 0.0507 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _getJobDone Fetched total members updated from DB Failed can some tell what this means
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Re: Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby tuigii » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:49 pm

When AS starts, it builds a list (data base table) with membres to fetch from the Armory.

Whil this table isn't empty, it will loop.

Somehow, the table isn't filled up correctly, and return an error when its records are being counted (that's what the function _getJobDone is doing).
It throws an error.

It's like another recent post : the Armory sends someting over initially that AS doen't interpret well. Stuff isn't set up correctly, and many nice side effect pop up.

Be carefull : you might as well face it : the AS maintainer abandoned the project because the Armoy changed twice a day, implement a flood and DDoS filter, is on strike ones a week, and isn't up to date the other half of the week.
So :
1) Thank god it's Friday
2) Thanks to others (overhere), we have WoWRoster, CP and your friends (on your side) with who you share a collective goal : Your Guild !! (so they might considering upgrading their toons, it's a) NOT rocket sience and B) fast and C) it, well, works !
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Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby MattM » Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:55 am

does anyone know what the URL's are for the armory API without digging through PHP scripts?
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Re: Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby tuigii » Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:01 am

Start reading
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Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby JROCK2004 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:27 am

Code: Select all
Sync cutoff time - 1
Use AJAX - On
Reload wait time - 3
Armory Fetch method - per Page
Armory Fetch timeout - 3
Armory Fetch Retrys - 5
Update incomplete data - On
Skip start page - On

That works for me too but very slow but hey it is better than getting guildies to upload stuff.
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Re: Approach to DDoS Filter

Postby tuigii » Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:01 pm

Some times, chance is smiling you :

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