i already used the searchfunction, yet couldnt find anything that matches my question...
well, browsing through the options of uniuploader i saw this pretty handy feature..
could solve one of the main problems of the wowaddon "groupcalendar" in combination with the rosteraddon "eventcalendar"
groupcalender synchronizes via (for example) guildchannel between members that are online..
when you integrate "eventcalendar" into roster, you also get the raidinfos made ingame on your roster..
now, the main problem with groupcalender is: when guildmember "A" is online and wants for example to join a raid that is available in the groupcalender and logs then off, guildmember "B" that was not online at that time (and noone else was around to log/synchronize with member "A") wont have any idea that member "A" already inserted himself into the raidplan..(the info that member "A" is now in the raidgroup is only visible on the website via eventcalendar)
now...IF member "B" could get the data from the website BEFORE he logs on, he could also see member "A" as a raidmember
now.. what file/address do i have to put exactly in the addressline of the website ==> WoW option to get the correct sv?
by trying to fill in the url to the website of the eventcalendar i got a groupcalendar.lua that looked pretty much like the sourcecode of the site if written in plain html..
doesnt seem to work that way
sooo.. if website ==> WoW just copies the contents of what it finds in the given url... should i set uniuploader also to upload groupcalendar.lua also in a blank folder (http://sitename.com/folder/ ) simultanously to the http://sitename.com/upload.php and get it afterwards from there?
i really dont get how this function is supposed to work.. (and i dont want to mess anything up (never touch a running system, yknow?))