If anyone has time and is willing to help, I would appreciate it. Format needs to be 32x32px gif, jpg, or png - but they do all need to be in the same format. You must be willing to have the icons released publicly, without restriction, with the raidtracker package. The images used cannot be owned by a third-party interest. (They need to be free and clear legally.)
Additionally, if there's enough interest, I'd love to have boss icons created for each of the bosses in the same format. I've listed the ones I have so far below for reference.
- Code: Select all
| zone_name | zone_icon |
| RandomRaid | random |
| Worldboss | outdoor |
| Unknown | unknown |
| Zul'Gurub | zg |
| Onyxia's Lair | onx |
| Molten Core | mc |
| Blackwing Lair | bwl |
| Ahn'Qiraj Ruins | aq20 |
| Ahn'Qiraj Temple | aq40 |
| Naxxramas | nax |
| Karazhan | kz |
| Gruul's Lair | gl |
| Magtheridon's Lair | mag |
| Serpentshrine Cavern | sc |
| Tempest Keep: The Eye | tk |
| Black Temple | bt |
| Battle for Mount Hyjal | cot |
| Zul'Aman | za |
| Sunwell Plateau | swp |
| Icecrown Citadel | icc |
| Arathi Basin | ab |
| Alterac Valley | av |
| Warsong Gulch | wsg |
| Eye of the Storm | eots |
- Code: Select all
| boss_name | boss_icon |
| Azuregos | azuregos |
| Lord Kazzak | lord_kazzak |
| Doom Lord Kazzak | doom_lord_kazzak |
| Highlord Kruul | highlord_kruul |
| Taerar | taerar |
| Emeriss | emeriss |
| Ysondre | ysondre |
| Lethon | lethon |
| High Priestess Jeklik | high_priestess_jeklik |
| High Priest Venoxis | high_priest_venoxis |
| High Priestess Mar'li | high_priestess_marli |
| High Priest Thekal | high_priest_thekal |
| High Priestess Arlokk | high_priestess_arlokk |
| Hakkar | hakkar |
| Bloodlord Mandokir | bloodlord_mandokir |
| Jin'do the Hexxer | jindo_the_hexxer |
| Gahz'ranka | gahzranka |
| Hazza'rah | hazzarah |
| Gri'lek | grilek |
| Renataki | renataki |
| Wushoolay | wushoolay |
| Onyxia | onyxia |
| Lucifron | lucifron |
| Magmadar | magmadar |
| Gehennas | gehennas |
| Garr | garr |
| Baron Geddon | baron_geddon |
| Shazzrah | shazzrah |
| Sulfuron Harbinger | sulfuron_harbinger |
| Golemagg the Incinerator | golemagg_the_incinerator |
| Majordomo Executus | majordomo_executus |
| Ragnaros | ragnaros |
| Razorgore the Untamed | razorgore_the_untamed |
| Vaelastrasz the Corrupt | vaelastrasz_the_corrupt |
| Broodlord Lashlayer | broodlord_lashlayer |
| Firemaw | firemaw |
| Ebonroc | ebonroc |
| Flamegor | flamegor |
| Chromaggus | chromaggus |
| Nefarian | nefarian |
| Kurinnaxx | kurinnaxx |
| General Rajaxx | general_rajaxx |
| Ayamiss the Hunter | ayamiss_the_hunter |
| Moam | moam |
| Buru The Gorger | buru_the_gorger |
| Ossirian The Unscarred | ossirian_the_unscarred |
| The Prophet Skeram | the_prophet_skeram |
| Fankriss the Unyielding | fankriss_the_unyielding |
| Battleguard Sartura | battleguard_sartura |
| Princess Huhuran | princess_huhuran |
| Twin Emperors | twin_emperors |
| C'Thun | cthun |
| Vem | vem |
| Viscidus | viscidus |
| Ouro | ouro |
| Patchwerk | patchwerk |
| Grobbulus | grobbulus |
| Gluth | gluth |
| Thaddius | thaddius |
| Anub'Rekhan | anubrekhan |
| Grand Widow Faerlina | grand_widow_faerlina |
| Maexxna | maexxna |
| Instructor Razuvious | instructor_razuvious |
| Gothik the Harvester | gothik_the_harvester |
| Highlord Mograine | highlord_mograine |
| Noth The Plaguebringer | noth_the_plaguebringer |
| Heigan the Unclean | heigan_the_unclean |
| Loatheb | loatheb |
| Sapphiron | sapphiron |
| Kel'Thuzad | kelthuzad |
| Attumen the Huntsman | attumen_the_huntsman |
| Moroes | moroes |
| Maiden of Virtue | maiden_of_virtue |
| Hyakiss the Lurker | hyakiss_the_lurker |
| Rokad the Ravager | rokad_the_ravager |
| Shadikith the Glider | shadikith_the_glider |
| The Crone | the_crone |
| The Big Bad Wolf | the_big_bad_wolf |
| Romulo and Julianne | romulo_and_julianne |
| The Curator | the_curator |
| Terestian Illhoof | terestian_illhoof |
| Shade of Aran | shade_of_aran |
| Netherspite | netherspite |
| Chess Event | chess_event |
| Prince Malchezaar | prince_malchezaar |
| Nightbane | nightbane |
| High King Maulgar | high_king_maulgar |
| Gruul the Dragonkiller | gruul_the_dragonkiller |
| Magtheridon | magtheridon |
| Hydross the Unstable | hydross_the_unstable |
| The Lurker Below | the_lurker_below |
| Leotheras the Blind | leotheras_the_blind |
| Fathom-Lord Karathress | fathom-lord_karathress |
| Morogrim Tidewalker | morogrim_tidewalker |
| Lady Vashj | lady_vashj |
| Al'ar | alar |
| High Astromancer Solarian | high_astromancer_solarian |
| Void Reaver | void_reaver |
| Kael'thas Sunstrider | kaelthas_sunstrider |
| High Warlord Naj'entus | high_warlord_najentus |
| Supremus | supremus |
| Gurtogg Bloodboil | gurtogg_bloodboil |
| Teron Gorefiend | teron_gorefiend |
| Shade of Akama | shade_of_akama |
| Essence of Souls | essence_of_souls |
| Mother Shahraz | mother_shahraz |
| Illidari Council | illidari_council |
| Illidan Stormrage | illidan_stormrage |
| Rage Winterchill | rage_winterchill |
| Nalorakk | nalorakk |
| Akil'zon | akilzon |
| Jan'alai | janalai |
| Halazzi | halazzi |
| Hex Lord Malacrass | hex_lord_malacrass |
| Zul'jin | zuljin |
| Kalecgos | kalecgos |
| Sathrovarr the Corruptor | sathrovarr_the_corruptor |
| Brutallus | brutallus |
| Felmyst | felmyst |
| Lady Sacrolash | lady_sacrolash |
| Grand Warlock Alythess | grand_warlock_alythess |
| M'uru | muru |
| Kil'jaeden | kiljaeden |
| Anetheron | anetheron |
| Kaz'rogal | kazrogal |
| Azgalor | azgalor |
| Archimonde | archimonde |