German Translations for 2.0

RaidTracker topics on localization

Moderators: PoloDude, Gaxme

German Translations for 2.0

Postby Gaxme » Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:30 am

deDE strings:

Zone: RandomRaid => Random Raid

Zone: Worldboss => World Bosse
Boss: Azuregos => Azuregos
Boss: Lord Kazzak => Lord Kazzak
Boss: Doom Lord Kazzak => Doom Lord Kazzak
Boss: Highlord Kruul => Highlord Kruul
Boss: Taerar => Taerar
Boss: Emeriss => Emeriss
Boss: Ysondre => Ysondre
Boss: Lethon => Lethon

Zone: Unknown =>

Zone: Zul'Gurub => Zul'Gurub
Boss: High Priestess Jeklik => Hohepriesterin Jeklik
Boss: High Priest Venoxis => Hohepriester Venoxis
Boss: High Priestess Mar'li => Hohepriesterin Mar'li
Boss: High Priest Thekal => Hohepriester Thekal
Boss: High Priestess Arlokk => Hohepriesterin Arlokk
Boss: Hakkar => Hakkar
Boss: Bloodlord Mandokir => Blutlord Mandokir
Boss: Jin'do the Hexxer => Jin'do der Verhexer
Boss: Gahz'ranka => Gahz'ranka
Boss: Hazza'rah => Hazza'rah
Boss: Gri'lek => Gri'lek
Boss: Renataki => Renataki
Boss: Wushoolay => Wushoolay

Zone: Onyxia's Lair => Onyxias Hort
Boss: Onyxia => Onyxia

Zone: Molten Core => Geschmolzener Kern
Boss: Lucifron => Lucifron
Boss: Magmadar => Magmadar
Boss: Gehennas => Gehennas
Boss: Garr => Garr
Boss: Baron Geddon => Baron Geddon
Boss: Shazzrah => Shazzrah
Boss: Sulfuron Harbinger => Sulfuron-Herold
Boss: Golemagg the Incinerator => Golemagg der Verbrenner
Boss: Majordomo Executus => Majordomo Executus
Boss: Ragnaros => Ragnaros

Zone: Blackwing Lair => Pechschwingenhort
Boss: Razorgore the Untamed => Razorgore der Ungezähmte
Boss: Vaelastrasz the Corrupt => Vaelastrasz der Verdorbene
Boss: Broodlord Lashlayer => Brutwächter Dreschbringer
Boss: Firemaw => Feuerschwinge
Boss: Ebonroc => Schattenschwinge
Boss: Flamegor => Flammenmaul
Boss: Chromaggus => Chromaggus
Boss: Nefarian => Nefarian

Zone: Ahn'Qiraj Ruins => Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj
Boss: Kurinnaxx => Kurinnaxx
Boss: General Rajaxx => General Rajaxx
Boss: Ayamiss the Hunter => Ayamiss der Jäger
Boss: Moam => Moam
Boss: Buru The Gorger => Buru der Verschlinger
Boss: Ossirian The Unscarred => Ossirian der Narbenlose

Zone: Ahn'Qiraj Temple => Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj
Boss: The Prophet Skeram => Der Prophet Skeram
Boss: Fankriss the Unyielding => Fankriss der Unnachgiebige
Boss: Battleguard Sartura => Schlachtwache Sartura
Boss: Princess Huhuran => Prinzessin Huhuran
Boss: Twin Emperors => Die Zwillingsimperatoren
Boss: C'Thun => C'Thun
Boss: Vem => Vem & Co
Boss: Viscidus => Viscidus
Boss: Ouro => Ouro

Zone: Naxxramas => Naxxramas
Boss: Patchwerk => Flickwerk
Boss: Grobbulus => Grobbulus
Boss: Gluth => Gluth
Boss: Thaddius => Thaddius
Boss: Anub'Rekhan => Anub'Rekhan
Boss: Grand Widow Faerlina => Großwitwe Faerlina
Boss: Maexxna => Maexxna
Boss: Instructor Razuvious => Instrukteur Razuvious
Boss: Gothik the Harvester => Gothik der Seelenjäger
Boss: Highlord Mograine => Die vier Ritter
Boss: Noth The Plaguebringer => Noth der Seuchenfürst
Boss: Heigan the Unclean => Heigan der Unreine
Boss: Loatheb => Loatheb
Boss: Sapphiron => Sapphiron
Boss: Kel'Thuzad => Kel'Thuzad

Zone: Karazhan => Karazhan
Boss: Attumen the Huntsman => Attumen le Veneur
Boss: Moroes => Moroes
Boss: Maiden of Virtue => Damoiselle de Vertu
Boss: Hyakiss the Lurker => Hyakiss la Rôdeuse
Boss: Rokad the Ravager => Rodak le Ravageur
Boss: Shadikith the Glider => Shadikith le Glisseur
Boss: The Crone => Magicien d'Oz
Boss: The Big Bad Wolf => Grand Méchant Loup
Boss: Romulo and Julianne => Romulo et Julianne
Boss: The Curator => Le conservateur
Boss: Terestian Illhoof => Terestian Malsabot
Boss: Shade of Aran => l'Ombre d'Aran
Boss: Netherspite => Dédain-du-Néant
Boss: Chess Event => Chess Event
Boss: Prince Malchezaar => Prince Malchezaar
Boss: Nightbane => Nightbane

Zone: Gruul's Lair => Gruul's Lair
Boss: High King Maulgar => Grand roi Maulgar
Boss: Gruul the Dragonkiller => Gruul le tueur de dragons

Zone: Magtheridon's Lair => Magtheridon's Lair
Boss: Magtheridon => Magtheridon

Zone: Serpentshrine Cavern => Serpentshrine Cavern
Boss: Hydross the Unstable => Hydross the Unstable
Boss: The Lurker Below => The Lurker Below
Boss: Leotheras the Blind => Leotheras the Blind
Boss: Fathom-Lord Karathress => Fathom-Lord Karathress
Boss: Morogrim Tidewalker => Morogrim Tidewalker
Boss: Lady Vashj => Lady Vashj

Zone: Tempest Keep: The Eye => TK: The Eye
Boss: Al'ar => Al'ar
Boss: High Astromancer Solarian => High Astromancer Solarian
Boss: Void Reaver => Void Reaver
Boss: Kael'thas Sunstrider => Kael'thas Sunstrider

Zone: Black Temple => Black Temple
Boss: High Warlord Naj'entus => High Warlord Naj'entus
Boss: Supremus => Supremus
Boss: Gurtogg Bloodboil => Gurtogg Bloodboil
Boss: Teron Gorefiend => Teron Gorefiend
Boss: Shade of Akama => Shade of Akama
Boss: Essence of Souls => Essence of Souls
Boss: Mother Shahraz => Mother Shahraz
Boss: Illidari Council => Illidari Council
Boss: Illidan Stormrage => Illidan Stormrage

Zone: Battle for Mount Hyjal =>
Boss: Rage Winterchill =>
Boss: Anetheron =>
Boss: Kaz'rogal =>
Boss: Azgalor =>
Boss: Archimonde =>

Zone: Zul'Aman =>
Boss: Nalorakk =>
Boss: Akil'zon =>
Boss: Jan'alai =>
Boss: Halazzi =>
Boss: Hex Lord Malacrass =>
Boss: Zul'jin =>

Zone: Sunwell Plateau =>
Boss: Kalecgos =>
Boss: Sathrovarr the Corruptor =>
Boss: Brutallus =>
Boss: Felmyst =>
Boss: Lady Sacrolash =>
Boss: Grand Warlock Alythess =>
Boss: M'uru =>
Boss: Kil'jaeden =>

Zone: Icecrown Citadel =>

Zone: Arathi Basin =>

Zone: Alterac Valley =>

Zone: Warsong Gulch =>

Zone: Eye of the Storm =>
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